Part 28

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When the couple arrived at the airport in Athens, they walked through security, and up to their gate. Lucy was expecting to head to a gate that listed LAX as the destination, but to her surprise, they were headed to Italy. 

After a three hour flight, the couple landed in Venice, and walked to their hotel. Luckily, it wasn't too far, and was unimaginable. The beauty made Lucy contemplate staying forever. 

"Where would you like to adventure?" Tim asked.

"I don't even know where to start. How about a vineyard?" Lucy mentioned. Tim gave her a look.

"I know I can't drink, but we could just walk around. Those areas are just simple and the beauty is beyond our imagination." Lucy seemed to be really into the whole thing. 

"All right, babe. I like the sound of that," He kissed her and they hailed a taxi. There was a large vineyard about 20 minutes from their hotel and the drive was wonderful. The taxi driver had a polite demeanor and was making conversation with the couple in the entirety of the ride. 

When the two arrived, they thanked the driver and walked into this beautiful building. It had been built with stucco, and dawned a stone face entrance. Looking to the left, Tim saw a quaint little store, but followed Lucy. They walked through the center of the building, and out onto a balcony with stairs on each side, leading to the vineyard. 

"Wow, I've never seen anything quite like this," Tim said. Lucy grabbed his hand. 

"I hadn't, either, until now. Let's go explore!" She gripped his hand tighter, and walked him down one of the sets of stairs. All the couple could see was vineyard. This one stretched for a few kilometers. The rows of trees offered grapes to the harvesters. They were all around, picking green grapes, red ones, and so much more. 

"I could imagine myself being here forever. Harvesting grapes, making wine," She kissed Tim and they continued walking.

"It is simple," He smiled at his wife, and basked in the sun beaming through the endless rows of trees. 

After a couple hours of cheese and wine, the two headed to the little store, Tim purchased a few bottles of wine, and then the two caught a cab back to their hotel. 

"Should we hang out by the pool, or go do some shopping? Your choice," Lucy said. Tim smiled and thought about it for a minute. 

"I think a pool day sounds wonderful," The two walked up to their room, changed into bathing suits, and walked to the outdoor pool. They laid their towels on a chair and got into the warm water. 

Once the sun had gone down, Tim grabbed two glasses, and filled one up with juice and the other with wine. He knew Lucy wanted to drink, but she still shouldn't miss out on the fun. 

"Grape juice for you, and fermented grape juice for me," Tim laughed at his own saying, and even got a cute smile from his wife.

"Thank you for this wonderful trip, babe," The shared another kiss, and watched as the night sky became darker and darker.

Over the next week, the couple had taken many trips to vineyards, went shopping in different cities, and spent ample time in the pool. As they were packing to head home, Lucy began to ponder. 

"Tim, you know that I love the life we have made, right?" Tim was confused. He wondered what sparked this conversation to come about.

"Of course, why?"

"Well, I didn't want it to seem the opposite when I mentioned how I could see us here,"

"Oh, Luce, I knew exactly what you meant when you said that. I know our jobs aren't simple, and most of our life is complicated. We could always move here when the kids are grown, or sooner. You did not make me doubt that," He pulled her into a hug and never wanted to let her go. 

"Ok, I feel better about that," Just when she ended her sentence, she felt something amazing.

"Oh, Tim, feel this," She grabbed his hand, and placed it on her stomach. 

"The baby moved," They shared a sweet moment, and hoped that it would never end. 

The next morning, the two headed to the airport, and found their gate. Lucy was not ready for their flight back, but she was ready to see their family. 

After their 12 hour flight, the plane finally landed at LAX. Once the couple made it out of the plane, grabbed their luggage and started walking, they found their car in the garage. 

Reminiscing about their amazing honeymoon, the two hoped that the car ride was going to be short. It was not. Traffic was brutal, but once it cleared, the two finally made it home.

Tamara was sitting in the living room with Harper when the couple walked in. Harper noticed the commotion and said the sweetest thing. 

"Mama!" When Lucy heard the sweet sound, happy tears brimmed. She had never heard Harper say it before. She had said "dada" many times before. Tamara smiled and brought her over to her parents. 

"Hi, baby!" Tim said as he saw his daughter. 

"She was a perfect little angel," T looked at her and smiled. 

"How are you doing, T?" Lucy asked. 

"I am pretty good, but exhausted. Collyns is going through a sleep regression, and I am not sleeping at all," Lucy hugged her. 

"I'm sorry, honey," 

"Well, she's finally sleeping now, but it won't be long before we have a demon on our hands," She laughed, and grabbed Harper's little hand. 

After a little while, Harper was put down for the night and the adults went back into their routine. A movie night with loads of ice cream, and family time. That was until Collyns woke up :)

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