Part 6

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Six months later...

Lucy and Tim were finally moved in, and that included Tamara and Kojo. It was a slow move at first, as Tim needed to sell their old house, and Lucy needed to break out of her apartment lease.

Lucy also was a bit hesitant to break the lease because Tamara had made Jackson's old room hers, and that included the murals. But, Lucy promised that T could do anything she wanted to the walls of her bedroom that the new house.

The couple made it a priority to get the first story and Tamara's room completed before anything else. They still didn't have an idea about whether T was going to live with them permanently. Little did they know that she had made the decision not too long ago.

"T, are you almost done with your room?" Lucy called from down the hall.

"Yes, but you can't come in yet," This brought Lucy back to the time when she moved into Jackson's room. After all of the hard decisions and discussions about the aftermath of his death, she did the same thing when painting her mural.

"Ok. I won't look until you let me. Oh, by the way, have you made a choice in a living situation?"

"I have, but I'll tell you later. I'm a bit busy,"

"Ok, whenever you want to talk, I'm listening,"

In the last six months, Lucy had returned to work and was able to take the TO classes. That earned her the spot as the newest Mid-Wilshire TO. She was assigned a rookie, but they didn't last. So, she was back to riding solo until there was a new one who made it through the academy.

On some occasions, Tim took the day to ride with Luce and leave the Metro scene for a bit. Grey and the Metro team had no issue, as he was still the liaison for them.

Tim and Lucy's wedding was also in the works. The two enlisted Wesley's mother and Tamara to plan the festivities. Just like when Angela and Wesley got married in a matter of a few days.

The two didn't want something huge, but they yearned for their entire families to be there. Their station family being the most important guests.

In the current period of time, Lucy and Tim were finishing painting their bedroom. The white that the majority of the house walls had been was not their first pick for their room. Instead, a nice gray was chosen and paired with green accents. The two thought it was perfect.

A couple of hours later, Tamara was finally finished with her room. Lucy and Tim were eager to see the masterpiece Tamara spent a month on.

"Can we come in?" Lucy asked as she reached the door to T's room. Tim was close behind her.

"Welcome to my room," T said. Tim and Lucy were in awe as they looked at a mural that was similar to the one in the apartment.

"It looks just like the one that you did that the apartment," Lucy said before she continued, "I love it." She hugged the young woman and walked around to see every little thing she painted.

"I knew at some point I was going to leave that room, and I wanted to bring a piece of it wherever I was living permanently." It took a second for Lucy to process what she heard. But, when she finally did, she looked at Tim and then back at Tamara.

"Wait, does that mean you are staying here?"

"As long as you are completely okay with it,"

"We always will be," The three hugged and enjoyed the beauty that Tamara's room radiated.

The next day, Lucy and Tim headed to work and were greeted by a new rookie. One that Lucy was going to be training. Soon, Grey began roll call.

"We have a new rookie. Stand up, state your name and badge number,"

"My name is Ella Thorpe, badge number 27916."

"Welcome to Mid-Wilshire, Officer Thorpe." Grey added. She nodded and sat down.

"You will be assigned a TO today, and luckily for you, it is Lucy Chen," Lucy smiled and received one back from Ella.

Soon after roll call ended, Lucy and Ella headed out for Patrol. But, before they left, Luce went to visit Tim in his office.

As she walked back, she saw that Thorpe had already gotten the war bags and loaded the shop.

"Okay, so I am not like all other TO's, but I am tough. I will not make anything easy. First, this is your shop; don't call it a car, a black and white, or anything else." Ella nodded.

"I will drive until I see you are ready to have that privilege, so prove yourself, and then you can be behind the wheel." Lucy added.

"Yes, ma'am," the two got into the shop, and
headed out for shift.

After the shift ended, Lucy walked into Tim's office, hoping he'd be there. And, he was. He smiled when Lucy walked in and slowly stood up, walking around the desk to hug her.

"How was patrol, TO?" Tim chuckled as he said TO. She buried her face into his chest and took a breath.

"It was really good; my rookie is amazing. The way we both were today reminded me of our first day on the job. I even did a Lucy Lesson on her. She passed with flying colors."

"Well, I am both impressed and surprised. I didn't think that anyone could out test the master." The two laughed and walked towards the door. They finally got to head home; together.

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