Part 4

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The next day...

This morning had been a particularly good one. Tim woke up next to Lucy, which made him the happiest. She had finally said yes to moving in with him... officially. 

"Good morning, beautiful," Tim said quietly while planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Hi, handsome," Lucy smiled, "We have to work, don't we?" Tim nodded his head and was met with a groan from her.

"Oh, I forgot. Grey will have my TO exam results today," Lucy hated waiting for what felt like years but was a little less than twenty-four hours. She was too excited and anxious to see what she scored. 

"Well, let's head in and see, shall we?" Tim got up and grabbed Lucy's hands, leading her to their bathroom. 

"But, should we shower first?" Tim asked.

"Maybe we should. Together, even," They both chuckled, and climbed into the shower.

Thirty minutes, and one hot shower later, the two finally made it to the station. Roll call was coming up, so Tim led Lucy to the room, and stood in the back. Soon after, Grey walked in.

"Good morning, I have a couple announcements to make. First, we have been seeing increased gang activity in the area, most resulting in shootings. Be on high alert." Grey then looked at Lucy, and smiled.

"And, my last announcement is that our very own Lucy Chen has scored a 97 on the TO exam, which means that she will be heading to TO training in a few weeks. Congrats, Officer Chen," Lucy was beaming. She had passed with only one less point than John had, but that didn't matter to her.

"That is all for roll call. Get out there and be safe. Dismissed." The entire room errupted into another fit of applause. Lucy smiled, and once the room cleared out, she got her gear and readied her shop.

Heading out for patrol, it was an easy morning. Just a couple of noise complaints were what Lucy dealt with. But, after lunch she stumbled upon a gang.

"Control, 7-L-19, I am checking on sucpisious gang activity, requesting back up to my location,"

"Copy that, 7-L-19, back-up units are dispatched out."

"Yo, what are the cops doing here?" One member yelled as Lucy walked down the street. 

"I was checking the area. We recieved a noise complaint from one of the residents here,"

"To hell with them," The same person responded.

"I'm just doing my job, it's as simple as that," Lucy replied. At this time, back up had arrived. 

But, as soon as they were by Lucy's side, the bullets had started flying. Luckily, she had her trauma plate on. Returning fire, Lucy had hit a couple of people, just injuring them.

As she took cover behind her shop, she felt the hit. She had been shot. The blood pooled and was now escaping her body with ease. She hit her radio, and called control. 

"Control, 7-L-19, shots fired at my location. Send EMS, and get Sergeant Bradford here imme---" Lucy wasn't able to get the last part of her sentence out before she passed out. At that point, another officer had already called an officer down to control, and more units were dispatched. 

Tim finally showed up as Lucy was being wheeled over to the ambulance. Tim grabbed her hand, and asked what happened. 

"She was shot in the abdomen, below her trauma plate. Backup had called it in before she did. She passed out afterward. Her vitals have been erratic, we need to move her now,"

"I'll come in the ambulance. I'm her boyfriend," The paramedic nodded, and they took off to Shaw Memorial. 

Wheeling Chen into the ED, Tim was in a blur. His stress levels skyrocketed, mainly because he was worried he may loose his love.

"We need to take her up to surgery. The bullet severed an artery and she has already lost too much blood. We will come and talk to you when she is out of surgery," Tim nodded and watched as they wheeled Lucy past his line of vision. 

For the next few hours, he paced the waiting room, axiously waiting for an update. He wasn't alone, however, as John, Bailey, Nyla, Angela, and Wesley were there. Grey had come for a bit, but as Watch Commander, he needed to return to his duties. 

After another excruciating hour, the doctors finally came with an update. The entire group stood up, Angela with her hand on Tim's shoulder, comforting him. 

"So, Ms. Chen had a severed artery, which caused tremendous blood loss. The bullet has been removed, and she has been moved to recovery. This injury and surgery will be hard to recover from, but she's strong. We've put her into a medically induced coma, but she should hopefully wake up in about 12 hours. You can go and see her now, but only three people are allowed at a time," 

"Thank you, thank you," Tim replied, wanting to cry. She was alive; his Lucy was still here.

Tim made his way to her room, followed by Angela and Wesley. Nyla said that she'd wait her turn. The three sat at Lucy's side, hoping she'd wake up, even though it would be a bit. 

"I wish I could take her pain away," Tim said, tears brimming. 

"But you can't and you know that. She just needs you to be here." Angela hugged Tim and he relaxed a little.

"Call us with any updates, ok?" Wesley asked. Tim nodded and they headed out so that everyone else could see their fellow officer. 

After everyone made their rounds, they all continued the last parts of their shift, while Tim stayed with Lucy. He had called Tamara, and she was to make it to the hospital any minute. He regretted waiting to call T, but he knew that it would have increased her stress. 

Soon, she was sitting next to him. The two spent the night, when the time got away from them. Tamara ended up in Tim's arms as they shared the pull-out couch in the room. The sun had begun to stream into the room through the open cracks of the curtains. Tim and Tamara were already up, and soon heard a stir. 

"Hey you two," Lucy said groggily.

"Hey, baby," Tim said as Tamara smiled at Lucy and held her hand. 

"You're awake," The three smiled at each other, something Tim was happy to be able to do.

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