Summer holidays gone wrong

330 13 6

I've waited for this the entire year;  summer holidays. Finally I will be hanging with Steve, Stark, Clint and (most importantly) Nat everyday. Skateboarding, drinking, sleepovers, more drinking, I could go on forever. Just one more day of school and then the fun begins. Me and Steve made a list during yesterday's lunchbreak of ways to scare people with my powers, as I am the only mutant of the group.
Natasha walks to my locker pushing Tony out of the way.
"Hello ladies, ready for our last day in this hellhole?" She asks winking at me while grabbing her french book.
"Definitely, but Why were you so early Nat?" Steve asks.
"Kicked Davidson in the balls with P.E."
Everyone laughs it off as it's not the first time Nat got in trouble.

The rest of the mornign went by very slow, but soon it's lunchtime and the four of us walk into the cafeteria.
"Hey Natalia, go fuck yourself."
Nat stops and turns around, so does everyone else. Aron is coming up to her. A week ago Natasha broke Arons nose because he called me a slut, and he was furious.
As Aron comes closer, someone shouts.
"Holy fuck the dude has a knife!"
Aron held the knife in front of him and started running toward Nat. As he runs oast me I take the chance to trip him, and he soon kisses the cafetaria floor, making him drop the knife.
"KICK IT STEVE" I shout and Steve kicks the knive out of Arons reach. I'm so busy with processing the knife situation that i don't notice Aron coming up to me untill he slams me into a table. This sets something off in Natasha. She throws herself at him punching him in the face, wich knocks him unconcious. She doen't stop. She keeps punching him untill Steve drags her away from him.
I get up and call her name but don't get an awnser, so I walk up to her and hug her tight. I feel a sting in my upper back but try to ignore it. When I back away from the hug, there's a red liquid on Natasha's hands.. Did she fall?.. I feel tired, and close my eyes for a bit..

She never opened them again.

.................... —————......................
I'm sorry..
Do we like the school thingy tho?

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