Story idea Request

194 15 55

Request story ideas here following the given template below.

It can be any topic you want, but if I don't know enough about it, I will reply to your comment with questions about it or pm.

Request Template:

• Story title (If you don't have an idea, I can come up with it myself if needed)

•The topic or fandom you want me to write about 

•The main character, background, and any abilities they have. it can be a character from the fandom or an Oc

•If you want them to be shipped with somebody, tell me who you want them with

•The idea of a plotline or if you want me to make something up myself 

Topics I know enough about to write are:

The Seven Deadly Sins

Demon Slayer






Attack on Titan


Ben 10

There are many others, but for now, listing a few of them. If I wrote a story for it, then I know enough about that topic, even if I didn't list it.

Also, any stories that have been written or completed will be deleted from the trailer book to keep room for any new story ideas in the near future.

(Since have two stories close to completion and gotten a decently count on my writing over the summer so far. So will ti accept for future requests to be add to my list of stories to write in the future.)

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