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This story was requested by Akira_Uchiha21

Title: The Rise of Cougar Champion

Fandom: Kung Fu Panda x Pokemon

Shipping: Toshiko x Tigress

Character Information:

Name:Toshiko Ping

Ability: Pokemon communication

Pokemon communication- Toshiko ever since he was six years old discovered he could understand what Pokemon were saying.
Summary: Toshiko is a ten-year-old Athro male Cougar
from the Caifu Region(Chinese for Fortune) along with is brother Po Ping the Panda. Follow him on his journey to become the world's greatest Pokemon Champion with his starter Pokemon. Along the way, they meet new friends in humans and other Athro's, catch new Pokemon, and even find romance with the mighty Tigress. What other adventures await Toshiko? Read to find out.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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