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Story title: Pokemon: The Pathway to Greatest | Kanto Region

Fandom: Pokemon

Shipping: Fedrick Shore x Jessie (Possibly harem)

Character Information:

Name: Fredrick Shore

Abilities: Pokemon Communication

Abilities Descriptions:

Pokemon Communication- Fredrick one day got lost playing in a cave when he suddenly asked a Pokemon to help him find a way out and understood the pokemon.

Summary: Fredrick, a teenage boy from the Hoenn who, sets off on a new journey in the Kanto region with his partner Primrose as he meets young rookie trainer Ash Ketchum and a trio of Pokemon thieves. However, he never except for one of the thieves to be a beautiful red head around his age. Follow Fredrick on his journey throughout the Kanto Region as he catches new Pokemon and makes new friends and rivals.

Cover: I haven't started it.

Status: Not started

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