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Story Title: The Warth of the psychotic Wolf

Fandom: Kim Possible

Shipping: Renzo x Harem

Character Information:

Name: Renzo Hillman

Abilities: Wolf Physiology, Dark Aura Manipulation

Abilities description:

Wolf Physiology- Renzo possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of wolves. He can either transform into part wolf features or look like a wolf full time he developed the power at a young age when he woke up looking like a bipedal wolf, but he mostly prefers his human state especially when around females.

Dark Aura Manipulation - Renzo can manipulate the aura around him that has been tainted by dark forces. When that happens he tends to experience dark emotions. The more he experiences the darker and colder his aura grows. However normal the user does not lose sanity, but due to a incident Renzo has an uncontrolled dark Aura that tends to take control of his actions and moral thoughts

Summary: Renzo was put away in a mental hospital after a tragic incident that damage his mental health. However years later a criminal organization made of some of the best criminals had sent someone to retrieve him. Now Renzo works with a organization to achieve there top plan while dealing with agency of heroes interfering with there plans. Through he never expected that being part of this criminal organization that he find love. How will he handle the girl's swoon over him and helping the organization that free him from his mental hospital prison?

Cover: I haven't started it.

Status: Not started

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