46 (Request)

57 2 0

This story was requested by PokemonMasterJames

Title: The Prince of Canterlot High

Fandom: Equestrian Girls x Kim Possible

Shipping: Jason x Shego ( The reset of Harem up to the author)

Character Information:

Name: Jason Gold

Ability: Telekinesis, Hydromancy

Ability Description:

Telekinesis-Jason has the power to manipulate or otherwise interact with matter or other aspects of physical system through his mind.

Hydeomancy- Jason is able to perform magic that allows him to cast magic spells and feats through water. Water magic draws on the depths of the ocens amd tides as well as through rivers and lakes that glow back to it. It strongest during high tide and inside large bodies of water. It enables him to speak with sea creatures and breath underwater.

Summary: Being in a royalty family, Jason's life was magical and thrilling. Besides being part of royalty, his life was relatively normal. That was until he started going to Canterlot High School. This leads to him experiencing more adventure, romance, and many other things to come, and many challenges to face. Follow Jason on his adventures at Canterlot High School.

Cover: Not made

Status: Not started.

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