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Title: A Blossoming Begining (Title still work in progress)

Fandom: Pokemon

Shipping: Male Oc x Jessie

Character Information 1:

Name:  Cameron Stormwatcher

Ability: Aura and Empathy

Aura-   Cameron can release and either surround, cover or infuse themselves, and potentially other objects and beings, with energy/matter for defensive and/or offensive purposes. This allows the user to possibly become almost untouchable while also granting them various abilities, attacks, or other effects and phenomena depending on the energy/matter they utilize. The auras may also give the user enhanced physical capabilities or other attributes such as speed, strength, and durability. can create, shape, and manipulate aura, a form of life force that exists as an invisible etheric phenomenon/emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object.

Empathy- Cameron can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is hiding another.

Character Information 2:

Name: Jessie

Ability: None

Summary: Jessie after the failure of Operation Tempest in Unova, decides she had enough of Team Rocket and leaves Team Rocket for good. She ends up heading to a newly discovered region called the Doult Region. However little did she know this journey would lead her to discover the love of her life.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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