65 (Request)

43 1 0

This story idea was requested by Fearrowking

Title: The Ice Cold Wolf

Fandom: Naruto

Shipping: Fiyuki Okkami x Kankuro

Character Information:

Name: Fiyuki Okkami

Ability: Wolf Physiology, Charka

Ability Description:

Wolf Physiology- Her clan has the ability to turn themselves into wolves or temporarily the charactersics.

Charka- Life energy made up of both Spiritual and Physical energies. When combined with certain hand signs, it can create special effects known as just; some are offensive, some defensive, and other categories. There are given essential Chakra natures, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lighting. Fiyuki has Water.

Summary: Fiyuki Okkami was always seen cold to most in the Hidden Grass village, due growing an orphan aft the death of he mother, and never met her father. She kept closed off even from her teamates, until one day she meet an puppet master from the Hidden Sand village that makes her want to open and get to know him. However will Fiyuki handle the growing feelings of his puppet master while taking the Chunin Exams.

Cover: In progress

Status: Not started.

I decided to just start writing the idea number since it a lot easier then writing what kind of fanfiction the story is.

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