72 (Request)

41 2 2

This story was requested by TrueMasterEX

Title: Pokemon: A Isekai Journey: Kanto ARC

Fandom: Pokemon

Shipping: Ashton Ketchum x Herem of Cynthia, Jessie, Clair, and Giselle.

Character Information:

Name: Ashur Ketchum

Ability: None

Summary: Ashur had always dreamed of being a Pokemon trainer, but one day after hearing about Ash, Ketchum left the pokemon anime. He decided to make a wish to be in the pokemon anime, but little did he expect to take up and find himself to be reborn as Ash Ketchum. Now he begins his journey throughout Kanto to become a Pokemon trainer better than Ash, aiming to win the Indigo League using his knowledge of Pokemon.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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