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Story Title: The Journey of a Lightingbender

Fandom: Naruto

Shipping: Shume x Toph Beifong

Character Information:

Name: Shume

Abilities: Lighting bending, Staffmanship (I was debating on Sandbending, but maybe in my next Avatar, I will do Sandbending.)

Abilities description:

Lightning bending- This is an advanced sub-skill within Fire bending. It allows the user to produce lighting by separating the positive and negative energies internally before directing it through the arm and fingertips.

Staffmanship- The mastery of wielding a staff with excellent proficiency.

Summary: Shume was the sole child of two master fire benders and soldiers of the Fire Nation. However, at a young age, he lost his parents to the stupid war. As a member of the Fore Nation, he has to put up with the Fire Lord's crazy plans. Having enough, he leaves the Fire Nation a few years after his parent's death on a journey to find his destiny. Shume was born with a condition that made Fire bending more difficult for him than Lighting bending. Shume, however, didn't expect to meet two water bendings on his travels along with the last Airbender; little did he know that he would become part of a significant role in helping the Avatar end a 100-year-long war and find romance along the journey.

Cover: I haven't started it.

Status: Not started

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