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Title: The Son of a Legend

Fandom: Pokemon

Shipping: Issac x Jessie, Issac x Leaf, Issac x Emily, Issac x Wendy, Issac x Solana, Issac x Giselle

Character Information:

Name: Issac Akai

Ability: Empathy

Ability Description:

Empathy- Issac can understand and feel the emotions of people and Pokemon.

Summary: Issac Akai is a young ten-year-old boy who lives in Pallet Town along with his childhood best friends in Ash Ketchum and Leaf Green. The son of the Legendary trainer Red. Issac begins his Pokemon journey throughout the Kanto region to enter the Indigo League. Along the way, he makes new friends and rivals and even gains the attention of many beautiful females that, blossoms into romance.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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