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Title: The Rise of the Shadow Warrior

Fandom: Superhero x Kung Fu Panda

Shipping: Shadow x Tigress

Character Information:

Name: Shadow Huanghun

Abilities: Martial Arts, Natural weaponry Chi Manipulation, Enhanced senses, and super strength, Shadow Ball Projection, etc..

Martial Arts- Shadow has trained in the art of Kung Fu with his parents, his signature style is known as Leopard style.

Natural weaponry- Shadow has the natural weaponry use of his claws, tail, and jaw full of sharp teeth.

Chi Manipulation- He can use the manipulation of natural energy coursing within his body known as Chi, Qi, Ki, Youki, and many other names.

Enhanced senses- Shadow has a strong sense of sight at night, and smell, hearing, and touch far better than many other species

Super strength- He a incredible strength and has been able to destroy trees with his paws.

Shadow Ball Projection- Shadow awoke a special gift at the age of six years old to create fireballs of darkness with varying sizes and power.

Etc: He has other unique abilities that you will discover in the story.

Summary: Shadow was a young anthropomorphic who lost his parents at a young age due to a murderous white Loin. Found and by Master Song a white Wolf also known as the Luminous Wolf
and trained in the art of Kung Fu. Years later he finds himself in the Valley of Peace where he meets a team of heroes, a Kung Fu Master, and becomes the new member of the Team known as the Shadow Warriors. However when a face from the past appearance. Shadow is forced to face his fear to protect his new home and family from his new hero team. Will he be able to face this threat or will he fail to try and risk losing the ones he has grown to love especially the Tigress who's won his heart? (A new version of The Shadow Warrior where there is not just a Kung Fu Master but a superheroes)

Cover: Not started.

Status: Not started

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