104 (Request)

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This story was requested by BensStories!

Title: The Secret Daugther

Fandom: Kung Fu Panda

Shipping: None at the moment

Character Information:

Name: Xue

Ability: Leopard style

Leopard style- Xue is a beginner in learning the art of leopard style which focuses on elbows, knees, low kicks, and leopard punches.

Summary: Shifu has secretly been raising a young snow leopard named Xue for twelve years and months after Tai Lung defeated introduced her to his students as his daughter. However, Tigress doesn't take things that well seeing as Master Shifu never treated her as his daughter since adopting her all because of Tai Lung's betrayal. Which she learn to accept the new girl as her sister or will the new addition cause her to leave the Jade Palace forever? Read to find out!

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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