83 (Request)

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This story was requested by BensStories through Pm.

Title: The Daughter of Professor Sonia

Fandom: Pokemon

Shipping: Pearl x ?

Character Information:

Name: Pearl Magnolia

Ability: Pokemon communication

Ability Description:

Pokemon Communication- Pearl can communicate with Pokemon and understand what they say. He had understood them ever since he was six when he got lost in the city playing.

Summary: After the failure of Operation Tempest, Jessie begins to rethink her goals and motives. After realizing it was no longer for her. She finds herself wishing for a better life, one where she never ended in Team. Little did she except for Arceus to give her a second chance as the adopted daughter of Professor Sonia. Follow her on the journey of her new life as a Pokemon trainer.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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