chapter 53: a pirate's promise

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*first person pov*

There was sounds of laughter in the distance, two of them. And with that I knew that pippin and Merry must be safe and sound in Isengard. It brought some ease to me, that they were still fine and found joy regardless of all the thing's that has happened.

We would be reaching Isengard soon, it was just up ahead. 

Fangorn forest is far more calmer now, the pent up anger and reside it had before gone. It was more quiet and welcoming this time compared to when we went through it before.

Although it could be because of the fact that Gandalf was here with us.

Gimli had his protests and grumbles before we plunged into the forest while he sits helpless behind Legolas. Legolas just rolled his eyes when Gimli asked him to turn back or go another way, trotting Arod to go more further.

We reached the end of the forest and found two hobbits lying on the collapsed fortress that was previously used to guard the wizard's vale. While smoking and snacking off their asses.

Pippin laughs and salutes us with his mug whilst Merry stands up upon seeing us, spreading his arms wide towards the rubble and welcoming us.

"Welcome, my lady and lords to Isengard!" He drunkenly gestured to the tower.

"you young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on and now we find you feasting and-and smoking!" Gimli nags gruffly towards the high hobbits.

I never really realized how much I missed these rascals until these two are in front of me and oddly jolly and relaxed. It was as if like they never got kidnapped. A grin breaks out from me, I look around me to Legolas and Aragorn, they were grinning too. Just utterly happy and glad our friends are alive. "they're high out of their minds." I remarked.

"We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well earned comforts." Pippin slurred the words out, while taking a bite of his sandwich. It was obvious they were drunk. "The salted port is particularly good."

At that gimli perked up. "Salted pork?"

"Hobbits." Gandalf mumbled under his breath.

"We're under orders from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard." Merry points towards the flooded surface and a huge walking tree. One of many actually.

But this was good news, the ents have taken control over the place! Which means that Saruman has been defeated and is most likely lurking in his tower. Trapped in his own part of the sea.

We moved to approach Treebeard, Pippin rode with Aragorn while merry rode with me. 

Initially they both wanted to ride with me but then Aragorn took notice of how I'd be stuck in a sandwich between both of them like Pippin's pork sandwich, he offered for one of them to ride with him. At first they argued over who would get to ride with me but Aragorn was too fed up with their bickering he just yanked Pippin off my horse unto his.

It was a comical and unforgettable scene for sure.

As we trudge through the water to get to Treebeard, I couldn't help but think of the sea. The waters move as we walked through it, just like how the sea parts for a ship to pass. I wonder if my crew was sailing at the moment...

I sighed. I miss sailing.

I miss home most of all.

"young master Gandalf, I'mmmm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master, but there is a wizard to manage here locked in his tower." Treebeard said. He was insanely tall. That was the most I could say about him. Tall and menacing.

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