Chapter 29

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Chapter 29



My PoV;


"We're mates "

Naruto stared up wide eyed at the announced words that were strongly spoken by his 'Mate'. He red many books to know what a Mate was. It was also many of his female friends fantasy dream to be taken away by a Vampire and become their mate. It was never Naruto's. It sounded as if the Vampire took his 'Mate' and made them his bitch.

Sasuke stared down at the confused blonde. His confused blonde.

"Why I'm your mate?" Naruto asked curiously, testing the stronger male.

Naruto tensed as Sasuke leaned down closer to his neck and he heard a sharp intake. "You are gorgeous..beautiful," Another intake of air was heard and Sasuke let out a shaky breath.
"Every thing I want," Naruto's cheeks reddened with the compliments and his eyes gazed away anymore other then the Uchiha.

Then Sasuke grabbed Naruto's chin, forcing him to look up, and Naruto feIt himself captivated by piercing onyx eyes. "I want you, I want you badly Naruto"

Naruto felt butterflies appear in his stomach and he felt the sudden urge to laugh. The way Sasuke said his made him feel special.

Naruto's eyes slowly gazed downwards, away from the eyes, finding it too much but the blush only reddened, now by the heat as well.

The next moment followed in silence. Sasuke stared down at Naruto below, his muscles tensing every second, waiting for a reply.

He got none.

Sasuke's hand clutched the pillow hard on either side of Naruto's head. He straight out just confessed. Confessed everything.

A small chuckle escaped Naruto below and Sasuke nearly got a heart attack from the little stunt.
"You can't expect me to reply to such a confession like that" Naruto spoke playfully, looking up at Sasuke from underneath.

Sasuke growled out before quickly attaching himself to Naruto's neck, licking the area rather harshly.

Naruto laughed softly, mostly because his neck now tickled. "You don't know it but for a Prince you're rather obvious"

Sasuke abandoned his plan and quickly leaned back, his eyes wide as he stared down at Naruto. "You knew?"

Naruto's eyes dropped down away from Sasuke's ones. "I didn't lose all my memories of you when I fell," Naruto spoke calmly "But the doctors are doctors and they are always right" That sentence was spoken sarcastically, " There were bits and pieces I remember" Naruto's eyes looked up to Sasuke's and Sasuke gulped on how beautiful Naruto looked like. It was as if those blue eyes stared into his soul.

"Raven haired, onyx eyes...pale" Naruto muttered. "It was obviously you "

"Why'd you pretend you didn't know me?" Sasuke whispered as he softly ran his fingers through Naruto's hair.

"You seemed a little more...mature compared to last time" Sasuke rolled his eyes as he remembered that when he first got Naruto, he tied him to the bed. "Plus I wasn't expecting to get taken away the second time"

Both of them laughed softly at the last part. "Those are not real reasons Naruto"

Naruto's cheeks reddened as he looked away. "I also wanted to see if you'd remember me......and maybe I wanted compliments too"

Sasuke rubbed his hair down onto Naruto's neck making Naruto giggle from the tickle. "Of course I would remember you, you're my mate"

Naruto huffed, "If we're going into a relationship, at least call me your boyfriend, not your mate-bitch"

Sasuke smirked, "Does that mean we're in a relationship" The excitement nearly showed in his voice.

"I don't know " Naruto answered truthfully, " I barely know you"

Sasuke quickly sat up giving Naruto a fright, "Then get to know me and I'll get to know you" He spoke seriously.

Naruto sighed out loud and ran his hand through Sasuke's raven hair, causing Sasuke to almost purr, Vampire's scalps were over-sensitive so something like this was extremely delightful.

"I can do that " Naruto replied.

Sasuke was about to go for Naruto's neck again but Naruto's now on his chest held him back.

"We should go eat breakfast and talk to Iruka"

"I don't eat breakfast "

Naruto hissed warningly as Sasuke tried to move closer. "I can be a real pain in the ass if you anger me"

Sasuke just raised his eyebrows and a playful smirk formed on his face, "The more challenges the better for me"

Naruto lightly shoved Sasuke off him and sat on the ledge of the bed, stretching his arms. "So tired" He muttered.

Then Naruto found himself under Sasuke again. Naruto pouted and stared up at Sasuke, his eyes showing anger. "I've got you to myself after years of waiting " Sasuke groaned out while kissing Naruto's neck, "There's no way in hell I'm going to let you go"


Iruka glared angrily at his boyfriend across the dining table, "When were you gonna tell me Naruto was mated to the Uchiha?"

Kakakshi looked at his mate, "I'm deeply sorry for upsetting Iruka, only found out yesterday"

Iruka shaked his head slowly, "I have to tell Minato-san about this"

"Don't," Kakashi's serious voice interrupted, "Naruto has to choose for himself, calling his father wouldn't solve a single thing "

Iruka stared at Kakashi before sighing, "What makes you think Naruto will accept this?"

"I was there when Naruto fell," Kakashi spoke, "He will accept this"

Extremely sorry for the short chapter, I really hope you guys won't mind too much, I will make sure the next chapter will be made sooner.

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