♫ | three

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"So you're telling me you don't like Mint chocolate, you're allergic to cats, you always dress fancy, you've grown up in a mansion like me AND you can't play any instruments?" 

Minho asked, eyes widened as he interrogated a girl who sat on the other side of the white dining table, facing him.

She blushed a little and nodded, thinking that the boy was impressed. 

"Okay... thank you for coming to dinner. Goodbye" Minho said with a sigh as he stood up and walked away from the dining room, and they looked at him in shock. Sitting on her side of the table, her family gave a few glares to the Lee family who sat on Minho's side, were sighing.

"I thought you said he'd agree?" The girl's father, who was a close business friend of the Lee family, asked, slightly patting his daughter's back who looked embarrassed and upset.

"Well... yeah he did say he'd think about it" Mrs.Lee sighed, and the people on the other side hummed before standing up. They bowed before walking out as well.

"That was so embarrassing," Mrs.Lee said, to which her husband sighed.

 Their oldest son was quite a handful. 

They had been trying to get him into dating one of the daughters of their business partners, in order to avoid any rumors circulating about Minho or the Lee family.

 The last they wanted was any false rumors about Minho being in a relationship with a low leveled girl. Or that their heir was gay. It'd ruin their name entirely.

"Brother, why do you keep rejecting them?" The boy with dyed blonde hair asked as he walked into his older brother's room. Minho was just sitting on a couch in his room, patting a cat that lay on his lap. 

"Because none of them meets my standards" Minho answered simply and Felix scoffed playfully before walking over to the older, sitting beside him.

"What do you mean? They were literally grown up just like us" Felix said as he too gently patted the cat's soft fur.

Minho sighed before glancing at the freckled boy.

"That's the thing. I want someone who's raised differently. Someone who's not spoiled like us. Someone who I can experience new things with. Someone who has other dreams than just inheriting a family business already written under their names... But I doubt I'll find her" Minho sighed once more.

"What if... you find him?" Felix asked. The question made Minho turn to him. The older smiled a little and shook his head.

"Him?" He asked, and the younger nodded. 

"What if you're just uninterested in girls... maybe the person who fits your standard could be a boy" Felix pointed out. Minho furrowed his eyebrows a little.

"Even if you're right Felix, Even if a guy fits my standard, he won't fit our family's," Minho said and Felix nodded with a bit saddened expression.

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