♫ | twelve

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Felix tried to find Hyunjin all night. He hadn't met him since he had pushed him. He felt as if the older was upset with him and avoiding him on purpose- he knew it was the most probable reason.

He tried to look for him in the garden and by the pool too. But as soon as he went to the open pool under the tree, he was shocked when he saw what went down in front of him.

He saw his own brother kissing one of the family butlers on the ground. At first, Felix was happy- he was glad he wasn't the only one in the family who liked the same gender.

 But then he realized how Minho was panicking and panting when he pulled away. 

That's when Felix realized. His brother wasn't kissing someone... but trying to save him. And that someone was none other than Han Jisung. The same guy that Minho had chosen to give the butler's job.

"Minho! Jisung!?" Felix exclaimed as he ran over to Minho and Jisung when the boy who was merely breathing finally sat up. 

Jisung panted a little as he glanced at Felix and then at Minho. He imagined if the older hadn't come. He could've drowned tonight. 

His body could've been buried in the soil before the next sunset. 

Minho had saved him... again.

Jisung's eyes became teary as he looked at Minho. "Thank you..." He wanted to say it so badly. He wanted to scream it. He wanted to the older how grateful he was. 

Jisung threw his arms around Minho, unable to control his tears. He wanted to be held so badly. And as if Minho knew what he needed, his arms were soon wrapped around Jisung's frail body.

Felix stood there, watching Jisung as he cried.

 He noticed something.

Jisung wasn't crying just because he was grateful to Minho for saving him from mere death. 

He was also pouring out tears that hid behind secrets none of them knew. 

Felix realized. Jisung was already broken way before then. He had more than one reason to cry about and he was pouring out everything then and there.

"Shh...shh... It's okay" Minho mumbled quietly as he held Jisung close. He let the boy silently cry. 

"I'll listen to your silent cry... you can show me tears that you've quietly hidden" Minho whispered as he held Jisung, who was now slowly starting to calm down.

With another shaky sigh, Jisung was able to calm down himself more. He felt his heartbeat at the right pace again. 

"Thank you, Minho," Jisung said in his mind. 

"Thank you for listening to my silent cries..."

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