♫ | seven

153 17 13

Felix sighed in relief when he saw that his brother didn't bother to chase after him. 

The blonde walked into the garden, glancing around the dimly lit pathways to find a certain boy with long blonde hair.

Felix heard some ruffling in a bush behind him, and he curiously walked over, thinking it was the person he was looking for. 

But as he got close enough, a cat jumped out, making Felix yelp in surprise and fall back, hitting his butt on the bricked pathway. Felix let out a groan as he glared at the cat. It was one of Minho's. 

"Dori! you... I thought you were someone else. Don't scare me" He said and before he could pick himself up, he heard a voice in his ear.

"Who did you think it was?" Felix froze as he looked sideways, and saw a blonde-haired male who smiled at him before giving him a hand. 

Felix felt his heartbeat speed up as he took the older's hand and got up. 

"N-Nobody" Felix muttered and Hyunjin chuckled quietly, oblivious to what his laugh was doing to Felix's already nervous heart.

"Shouldn't you be asleep right now?" Hyunjin asked Felix and the younger nodded a little, looking away.

"yeah... But I'm not sleepy" Felix lied. Anyone can tell he was sleepy. He just couldn't sleep because a certain somebody didn't leave his mind for the entire night.

"You're lying aren't you?" Hyunjin asked, raising a brow at Felix while he smiled a little. The younger looked away, getting shy that Hyunjin was reading him easier than he thought.

 His brother would always tell him that he was a bad liar, but he didn't think he was always that obvious.

"Anyway, I'm done here so I am also gonna head to bed. I could walk you to your room?" Hyunjin offered. His heart jumped in excitement for the freckled boy's answer.

Felix blushed a little as he looked at Hyunjin. The younger nodded with a small smile. He would like that a lot. 

He didn't know why, but he wanted to be around Hyunjin. And Hyunjin too felt the need to be around Felix.

 Yet, both of them knew... the other can't possibly feel the same.

Felix knew Hyunjin would be punished if he gets too close to him. How could Hyunjin's heart ever fall for him when there's this fact?

And Hyunjin knew Felix, who was from a different life from his, could never love a butler like him. How could Felix's heart beat for him?

"It's your first day working as a butler and you almost got crushed under a bookshelf" Minho sighed as he sat in a chair and watched Jisung clean up the study room, restacking the bookshelf.

Jisung glanced at Minho for a second before going on with his task.

"I already told you it's fine, you can go rest," Minho said, crossing his arms as he watched Jisung hold a hand on his waist while he reached for a book on the floor. The older knew Jisung got hurt from the fall. But the younger didn't want to go without finishing everything.

"Lee Minho I swear to god if you don't let me do my job I'd feed you one of these books" Jisung narrowed his eyes at Minho while gripping tightly on a book. 

Minho read Jisung's body language and he smirked. "You can't do anything Han Jisung," He said with a small chuckle and Jisung rolled his eyes, turning around and getting back to arranging the books.

After a while, Jisung had finished and he let out a contented sigh. He was finally done there. He could go rest and sleep.

As he made his way to the door, he saw Minho stand up and walked over to the bookshelf he had organized. The older looked at Jisung for a reaction while he reached over to a  couple of books and pulled them out, dropping them on the floor.

Jisung frowned at him. 

"What the hell is your problem!?" Jisung groaned internally as he walked over to Minho, going down on his knees as he picked up the books. Minho smirked as he watched the boy pick up the books.

Why did he like teasing him?

After picking up all the books in his hands, Jisung looked up to meet Minho's eyes. He gave Minho a glare before standing up and placing them on the bookshelf before walking heading to walk out of the door.

Minho stood there, in a state of awe. When Jisung had lifted his face earlier, and looked directly into the older's eyes, he felt something in him. His heart was saying something. It started playing a melody it never had.

He saw how the boy frowned, how some strands of his puffy hair fell on his face and swayed as he looked up. 

Minho shook his head and covered his mouth in realization. 

There was no way... he couldn't possibly think his own butler was sort of... cute. Could he?

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