♫ | twenty-nine

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The first thing Jisung did after waking up was go to Hyunjin's room, which was closeby to his own. 

He worried about him last night too but decided to give him some space since there wasn't much he could even do. 

It wasn't like he could say anything reassuring, though he wished he could.

Stopping in front of the older's door, Jisung knocked it a few times and waited. He heard footsteps approaching and soon enough, the door openned to reveal a very tired-looking Hyunjin.

His long blonde hair was slicked back and he wore his butler suit, all ready for work again. Though, he looked pale like a ghost.

Jisung gave him worried eyes as he looked at the older and his eyes then stopped Hyunjin's hand covered in a white bandaid. 

"Did he get hurt last night?" Jisung wondered, furrowing his eyebrows. 

He knew Hyunjin would need to put in extra effort today at work due to his arm. 

Hyunjin noticed where Jisung's eyes were and gently lifted up his hand, sighing as he looked down at it.

"It's nothing. It'll heal..." He smiled a little at the younger.

Jisung looked up, seeing Hyunjin's eyes were dull and empty. It was like his soul was shattered in a way. He knew that smile was forced and faked. 

Jisung saw what happened last night... so he could understand why Hyunjin was like this now. 




Hyunjin and Jisung walked into the kitchen to prepare the food with the chefs and the butlers. Everyone was curious about Hyunjin's arm, but no one questioned it as they noticed an almost-lifeless look on the boy's expression today.

He just stood still, carefully mixing a soup as he stared at it intently, focussed on it.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of something breaking from outside; from the large living room. 

Everyone rushed there, worried and curious and once they walked in, they saw Mrs.Lee, staring at the large TV in shock while shards of a broken glass tea cup were everywhere around her feet.

Their eyes were glued to the screen, staring at it in shock. Jisung was in shock, Chan was in shock and even Hyunjin seemed to freeze up. 

Just then, Minho, Felix, and Benseuk appeared and their eyes also looked where everyone else did. 

Minho furrowed his eyebrows, his fists clenching as he teared up. He was trying to deny what he saw. 

Benseuk was blinking, a shocked look on his face, a trembling breath leaving his lip.

Felix broke down into tears, falling down to his knees, and cried hard into his arms, breaking a few hearts in the room.

Mr.Lee covered her mouth as tears left her eyes. She was standing frozen, watching the news of how their family butler and his lover were found dead, murdered in a hotel. 

"Mr.Goseok... He... was with a man?" One of the butlers blurted, gasping. Goseok was the last person he was expecting to be homosexual, given that he had the title of the most loyal and loved butler in the family for years.

"He was a good man..." Benseuk said, hanging his head low, furrowing his eyebrows before he turned to the men in the room. "He was like a best friend to me," He said, scoffing before looking away again. 

"He was one of them.. one of those people I hated, right behind my back," He said, his hands trembling as they ball into fists. 

"How many more of you are like that!?" Benseuk's voice raised, anger dripping in every word as he looked at the butlers. "How many of you are gay, come out now and leave my home. I will not put my family in the hands of danger because of you" He yelled, causing all the men to step back a little.

"Homosexuality... is a curse! A sin! It'll only bring you to the worst fate imaginable! If you support it... if you're part of it... leave this roof and never show me your disgusting faces again" He said in a low tone, glaring at them, expecting any one of them to speak up. 

No one said a word. Everyone stayed silent, slightly shaken a bit. 

Jisung felt his heart thump. Should he just step forward and be kicked out of here? At least he would know that he won't ever see Benseuk ever again- but then, what about Minho?

Can he live without Minho? Could he be happy knowing that the love of his life was miserable without him much like himself? No. He possibly couldn't.

Jisung needed Minho.
And Minho needed Jisung.

They needed each other to play the right keys to the harmony they created together.




Hyunjin stood outside Felix's room, his hands brought to the door as his thoughts went back and forth, unable to decide whether he should knock or not. He worried that Felix didn't want to see him after what he did.

He worried that it won't ever be the same again. 

Felix had been in his room all day since he heard the news of Mr.Goseok's death. 

He knew his boyfriend was dealing with a lot of emotions at the same time, and was probably needing someone to hold him right now.

Hyunjin sighed. He should stop being a coward and do something. He should fight for him like how Felix did. Like how Felix had poured his everything out to find even the smallest bits of time for themselves. He should put up with the world like how his lover did. 

He should take the hits and stand up again. He should embrace himself, proudly.

Hyunjin sighed, bringing himself to knock on the door this time, but before he could, the door openned and a puffy-eyed Felix stood in front of him.

The younger looked shocked for a moment, unable to say or do anything, but then he pulled Hyunjin inside the room by the collar, shut the door behind him, and hugged him as tight as he could, bursting into tears. 

Hyunjin's heart broke hearing the younger's sobs. He gently caressed his hair, whispering soothing words into the younger blonde's ear until he calmed down a bit.

"shh... It's okay, I'm holding you.." Hyunjin whispered, still caressing the younger's silky soft blonde hair. "...and I won't let go" The older finished his sentence as he slightly pulled their bodies apart. 

He held Felix's chin, caressing it with his fingers as he looked into the younger's eyes. Felix's lips parted slightly, the slightest blush forming on his cheek as he felt Hyunjin's intense gaze that whispered so many things; apologies, confessions, regrets, and love.

The older then leaned toward Felix, closing his eyes, taking his lips in his own in a sweet, soft, and passionate kiss. Felix kissed back immediately, tears still leaving his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's body.

A single kiss. 

It felt like a rebirth to them. They felt calmer. They could hear their heartbeats again. They could hear those secret symphonies in the air around them. No more dead silence. 

It felt right. 

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