♫ | thirty

112 9 6

It was night time now, past 10 PM and Jisung had finished almost all his tasks but one.

He sighed as he looked at the list of tasks he was assigned to do and internally cursed when he read out the last one; Deliver Mr.Benseuk's important letters to him. 

It was a simple task; one which he could finish within less than five minutes. But one wrong move and he knew what he would get- especially after the last time he had threatened him. 

With a sigh, he walked outside of the mansion and walked toward the gates where the house's mailbox was just outside. The two guards by the doors turned thier heads to him, politely bowing ever so slightly at the butler. 

Jisung nodded his head, acknowledging them as he walked out to the mailbox and seeing through it, only to find two mails directing toward the master of the house. 

He sighed, taking both of the envelopes in his hands carefully before he walked back to the mansion, making his way to Benseuk Lee's office. Jisung wanted to get his tasks done and see Minho as soon as possible. 

All day, Felix and Minho had been upset after finding out about the news. Felix had it the worst, unable to stop crying but luckily, Ryujin and Hyunjin came and they did their best to comfort him. 

Though, unlike his brother, Minho held it in and distanced away from everyone for a while; Jisung thought it was just his way of coping with his sadness, so he let Minho have the time he needed. 

But now, he wanted to comfort him. He wanted to know if his boyfriend was feeling better or not. He wanted to hold him.

Jisung sighed as he walked, looking back at the envelopes in his hand, reminding himself that his task still needed to be completed before he could see Minho.

The sound of footsteps echoed a bit in the quiet hallway as the butler made his way to the office on the lower floor and it stopped as soon as he halted in his step, right in front of the dark oak door. 

Jisung raised his hand, bringing it to the door, preparing himself to knock on it when he heard the sound of something slamming inside. It sounded like a stack of books falling down. 

"I am not marrying her!" 

"You have to! you have no other choices!"

"I don't want-"

"I do not care if you want to or not! this is a must! We could really take advantage of the Park family if you just agree to this!"

"But I won't! I d-"

"Lee Minho!"

Jisung flinched, stepping back from the door when everything went silent after Benseuk's outburst. His heart thumped, worried, but then all of a sudden, the door opened and a very pissed Minho stormed out, walking away without glancing anywhere else but the ground. 

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows. 

He knew Minho had a bad argument with his father just by what he heard and Jisung wanted to  Minho to calm down and feel more at ease. But he knew, again, he had to finish his task before that.

The brown-haired male sighed before opening the door, seeing the tall frame of a man who stood in front of a large window, his back facing Jisung. He stayed silent for a few seconds before turning to Jisung, raising an eyebrow. 

Jisung quickly bowed once he saw that Benseuk had turned to face him, and he quickly walked his way to the table, placing the envelopes there before turning around to leave.

"You. Wait." Benseuk said, making Jisung halt, his body stiffening up with that voice that dripped of poison. 

The latter turned to face the older, trying his best to keep a neutral, small smile on his lip. 

"I have a task for you..." He muttered before stepping closer to Jisung and placing a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it. Jisung held everything in him not to tremble at that moment.

Benseuk looked down for a moment before letting out a small sigh. "I need you to convince my son to sign the engagement tomorrow. That and only that will be your task for tomorrow " He spoke in a demanding tone and Jisung felt his heart sink.

Convince Minho to sign an engagement? Convince his lover to sign an engagement with another? 

Outrageous! He felt like could shout out a thousand insults just now, but bottling it all up he nodded slowly, having no other option for it. 

He saw what defying this man could lead him to. 

It was messed up. 

But then again, what are the odds of them ending up together anyway? Their relationship was a secret, and the moment the world hears it, they'd cut them apart. They'd be banished from each other

What other choice did Jisung have? Fighting for a love he was forbidden to have? Risking possibly his entire future just for his name to go down burning in history without being written in pages of honor? 

He was a poor guy. 

How will the world accept him being with a rich guy... a guy who was way above his status. 

But does it really matter what the world might think of them? 

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