♫ | six

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Jisung looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing the black and white butler's outfit, specially designed for those of the Lee family.

He then proceeded to walk out of his room. When he stepped out, he saw that Hyunjin and Chan had also stepped out and the younger waved at them with a small smile.

"What are your duties for the night?" Hyunjin asked and Jisung picked up a small piece of yellow-tinted paper from his pocket. It was a list given by Mr.Goseuk.

Jisung showed the paper to Hyunjin and furrowed his eyebrows a little. 

"Wait- why are there so many?" He asked and Jisung shrugged. He too thought there were quite a lot of tasks for the first day but he thought maybe the others had the same too.

"Chan and I have only 3 tasks tonight... you have twice" Hyunjin muttered, showing Jisung his own piece of paper. 

"Why do I have more than 3 ?" Jisung wondered as he took back his paper. But he tried to look on the bright side of it. There could be a possibility that he would be paid more if he did everything correctly.

"Where are you sneaking off to?" Felix froze in his step with a flinch. He thought he was as stealthy as a cat, but apparently, his older brother was even more.

Minho stood by the door, leaning on it while he had his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at Felix who slowly turned around and sighed. 

Neither of them was allowed to go into the gardens after midnight. In fact, both of them were supposed to be asleep too. although they were grown men, their parents still had that rule for them.

"I just... want some fresh air?" Felix said, his sentence coming out more as a question than an answer. Minho knew his brother was hiding the real reason why he was going out to the garden.

"You're a terrible liar," Minho said, and Felix groaned a little.

"Fine... I just want to go say hi to Hyunjin... I saw him go there" Felix said, and Minho's eyes widened.

He looked at Felix, who tried to hide a smile after muttering the butler's name. It was so obvious. And he was growing anxious for his brother.

"Felix-" He was about to speak, but all of a sudden there was a noise from one of the rooms nearby. It was one of the smaller study rooms.

Minho turned around, alarmed by the sound, and by the time he turned to look back at Felix, he wasn't there. 

The older sighed.

His brother was being a little too reckless.

He heard something from the room again- almost like one of the bookshelves there falling.

"What the fuck..?" He muttered quietly as he walked over to the room, curious to see what was going on there.

Jisung looked at the list of tasks. He had done five of them and now what was left was cleaning the study room in the hallway that lead to the garden.

He was satisfied because everything went easy so far and he was getting the hang of cleaning and tidying up everything.

He stacked up a few books and tried his best to arrange them in the correct places. He wanted to be noticed for his effort. 

When he was done cleaning, everything looked almost perfect, except for a single book on the top edge of a shelf. It was the only thing out of place. Jisung could go sleep right after this.

The boy walked over to the shelf and tried to reach it, but it was higher than he could. He tried going on his tip toes but he still couldn't reach it. He jumped too but couldn't reach it.

"Let's try something else..."
He thought as he carefully placed his foot on one of the empty lower shelves and pulled his body up, trying to reach the book.

"Almost-" His fingers touched it and Jisung smiled in victory before claiming a little higher on the shelf. 

he finally grabbed it, but then he heard something creak in front of him. And he felt himself falling back- not just him, but the entire bookshelf.

With a thud, he fell down and he quickly covered his head to protect it from the bookshelf that fell on top of him. books shattered everywhere around him and he felt his body ache because of the fall and the wooden shelf falling on top of him.

Jisung tried to lift the bookshelf up, but he couldn't. He needed help. He needed to call someone- but he knew he couldn't. 

Just a minute after Jisung got trapped under the bookshelf, he heard the door opening. He hoped it was Hyunjin because he knew the male was in the garden nearby. If it was anyone else, he'd be embarrassed to death. 

He felt the weight on his body lift and when there was enough space to get out, he quickly slid under the shelf and got out. 

"What did you even do to make the entire bookshelf fall on you...?"

Jisung was so sure it was Hyunjin- until he heard the familiar voice. He was about to hug who thought was Hyunjin who helped him out of the mess. 

But as Jisung lifted his gaze to meet eyes with a certain brown-haired male, he saw that it wasn't Hyunjin. It was Lee Minho. The boy who had given Jisung the opportunity to serve the prestigious family. 

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