♫ | twenty-two

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Felix felt his heart sink as he saw the shocked face of his family butler. 

This was too early for their secret to be out. He never even wanted to be out.

What would his father do if he knew? Goseok was close to his father- he would surely tell. Felix knew he would. No money he could offer would keep the butler's mouth shut from revealing this secret about their forbidden love. 

Felix teared up, a thousand thoughts suddenly creating a hurricane in his panicked mind.

The thought of having his father disappointed in him.

The thought of being hated.

The thought of being kicked out.

And worst of all, the thought of being forced to stay away from Hyunjin.

Or losing him.

Felix couldn't live with that. He knew he needed Hyunjin to complete him now, and he would do anything to keep his lover by his side. 

"S-Sir please.." Felix's voice was weak as he tried not to cry through his words. "Please don't tell them..." He muttered, his tone desperate. He saw an emotionless look in the butler's eyes and knew he was wasting his energy, but it was for a good cause; to save his heart from ripping to pieces.

"I love him... please, don't tell them... I-I'll do anything" Felix stepped forward, closer to the older before he felt his knees go weak. He fell down to his trembling knees, looking up at the older with eyes that begged to show a sign of acceptance.

Goseok was silent for a moment. He then let out a small sigh, kneeling down to his young master's level before picking out a tissue. 

He gently wiped Felix's tears away as he looked behind the younger, to Hyunjin, who had his head turned to the side, silent teardrops making their way down his cheeks.

The older then looked at Felix once more. "Do you truly love him?" Goseok asked, and the question was a bit unexpected for Felix, but he managed to answer right away. 

"Yes... yes, he is... I love him" Felix said, tearing up even more after the words and the butler sighed before wiping his tears again.

"Young master please, do not cry here. And... I understand" The older male said softly, making Felix stop crying and causing Hyunjin to turn to them. 

"You- You do?" Felix asked, tilting his head a bit. He expected the butler to lash out since he was practically ordered to do that by his father if any of his sons show any signs of this 'unaccepted' behavior. 

Goseok nodded softly, rising up and helping Felix back to his feet as well. The older then sighed and gently bowed to the younger, making him even more confused.

"I will honor your secret...and your relationship, young master..." Goseok said, his gaze fixed on the floor below him. 

"But why...?" Felix responded back, curious and confused. This was the exact opposite of the reaction he expected to get from his butler.

"Because love is love... and I too, love someone deeply. A man" He said, his voice not having a single shutter as he raised his head up, now standing straight to look at the freckled boy.

Felix's eyes widened and so did Hyunjin's. Ryunjin who was behind Goseok was also speechless now with the older's big revelation.

Felix's tears stopped entirely. His eyebrows furrowed as he blinked hard, trying to process what he heard. 

The most trusted family butler of his family, who had also served the family for more than ten years, was already standing beyond that line his father strictly forbade everyone under his room to cross!?

He did not expect that, at all, especially not from Goseok.

"W-Wait.. you're.." Felix trailed off as the man sighed and nodded before giving him a warm smile. 

The younger couldn't believe what he was hearing. 

He couldn't believe that he was almost on the edge of losing his lover, only to have another person who could potentially help them grow even closer.

A small tear left Felix's eye as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his butler.

Goseok becomes startled for a moment before he hugged the boy back, patting his back comfortingly. 

"Thank you..." Felix mumbled right before releasing the man from his embrace. 

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