♫ | eleven

151 17 16

Jisung was still flustered when he walked to his room. He didn't know why his heart was racing so much just then. 

Closing the door behind him, Jisung walked over to the bed and threw himself onto it. It was warm and even softer than the ones in his home. 

He then noticed something on the bed which was a foot away. It was a... letter? 

Out of curiosity, Jisung took it and examined it. There was nothing written on the outside, except the name of a house he didn't know.

Maybe it wasn't for him? Maybe it was for someone else? But still, out of his curiosity, Jisung opened it.

He took the paper inside it and he was awed as he read the first few lines.

"My love... How have you been doing lately? I've been missing you a little too much..."

It was a love letter. Jisung read further, curious to know who wrote it, and curious to find who it was addressed. 

"I hope you and I could have what we used to before you became a butler in the Lee Family Mansion... I know we can't be seen together because of their beliefs but I want to let you know that I don't care what they say. I hope we will be united once again..." 

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows a little as he read more.

"I don't care if people are against us just because we are both men..." Jisung paused. He knew he was invading someone else's privacy.

 He knew he shouldn't read any further. But that didn't stop his eyes to move to the lower corner of the paper.

He gasped as he read the name it was addressed to. He already felt anxious for the male. If any of the other butlers had gotten their hands on this letter, the person it was addressed to would be punished. He knew it.

Jisung lay in his bed silently, thinking whether he should sneakily hand it to the person to who the latter belonged. It would be risky if anyone sees him and asks questions. 

But then again... he'd feel bad if he became the reason why two lovers who can't see each other weren't able to communicate.

With a sigh, he got up with the paper, putting it in the latter, and sealed it up. 

That night, Jisung was successfully able to slide the letter through the space underneath the door of a certain room without anyone noticing him. 

He sighed in relief once he did what he had to. He then walked over to the main hallway while he picked up the list of tasks from his pockets. 

He smiled seeing that there weren't as many as the previous night. 

Jisung started from the easiest task and went on with the list until he was just left with cleaning the pool. 

"Cleaning the pool? in the night?" Jisung scoffed as he stared at the list in his hands. With a sigh, he put it in his pocket before walking outside, to the outdoor pool which was under a shady tree.

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