♫ | sixteen

128 17 16

"No! please! I'm not readyyy" 

The girl tried to run away, but Felix held her in place.

"Too bad, now take it bitch" Hyunjin said, shoving his phone at her. Ryujin glared at Hyunjin when he called her a 'bitch' 

While Ryujin was glaring at him, Hyunjin's phone got a call and she squealed, almost dropping it.

Over the weeks, Ryujin kept coming over for Felix and her 'dance practice' together, but whenever she does, it was always the two of them, along with Hyunjin hanging out and having fun.

Mrs.Lee did notice how Hyunjin was close to the two and she didn't mind, thinking maybe Felix was just close to him because they didn't have much of an age gap. 

She thought maybe they were best friends and didn't see anything wrong with it, so the three of them could hang out in the dancing room all day whenever Ryujin comes. This also gave Felix and Hyunjin the perfect opportunity to become closer, to hug and to kiss.

Ryujin didn't mind the two boys getting close- in fact, she always gets hyped and tried to embarrass them. However, one day, she blurted out that she feels single and those words were what led to today's events.

"Come on! I already told my sister about you, answer the phone!" Hyunjin groaned as he shook Ryujin by the shoulder.

He had shown a picture of his sister to Ryujin and she was immediately in love. And as Hyunjin talked more about the girl, Ryujin's heart started bending for her.

 One time, his sister even mentioned that Ryujin was cute while on a call, and that made the girl scream and run around for a while.

"Answer her," Hyunjin said once more and Ryujin sighed before sliding her finger across the screen, answering the call. 

She was about to bring the phone to her ear when all of a sudden the screen lit up and there was a pretty girl on the display.

Ryujin panicked and threw the phone at Hyunjin before going behind Felix. She was a blushing mess. 

Hyunjin chuckled a little before looking at his twin sister, who stared back with a confused expression.

"Where is Ryujin?" That was the first thing she asked and Ryujin yelped and squeezed Felix a little too hard.

Felix held his breath until the girl let go.

"She's right over here. She's really excited to meet you" Hyunjin said with a chuckle before walking over to Ryujin and giving her the phone.

The girl nervously showed herself in the camera and the other girl on the screen smiled cutely, making Ryujin wanna throw Hyunjin's phone again in a gay panic.

"Hi, Ryujin... I wish we could hang out" Yeji said with a little pout and Ryujin smiled a little at the thought of spending time with the girl.

"Of course... I wish too" She said shyly, making the girl on the other line smile again.

"So... Yeji, aren't you gonna tell her that you find her very hot and cute and you wanna make her your girlfriend?" Hyunjin said, making Ryujin's eyes widen as she looked at Yeji, who also looked back, flustered.

"I- Hyunjinn!!!" She whined before ending the call and Ryujin looked at the two males. She was flustered but happy at the same time.

She smiled a little before handing Hyunjin his phone. "Your sister is something," She said with a chuckle and Hyunjin winked. 

Just then, the door to the dance room opened and they all turned their heads to see Felix's mother walk in with a sweet smile.

The woman looked at Hyunjin with a smile before walking over to Ryujin. She held the girl's shoulder softly. Ryujin gave the woman an awkward smile. 

Mrs.Lee then turned to Felix, excitement all over her. 

"Okay, what's the big news?" Felix asked, smirking a little, knowing that his mother acts like this only when she was very excited about something.

"So..." Mrs.Lee paused, taking in a deep breath.

"Your brother is getting engaged in two days!!!" She said with the most excited tone he had ever heard.

The younger three did their best to make sure they kept their smiles just then.

"Does Minho know?" Felix asked slowly, raising an eyebrow and his mother shrugged a little.

"Your father is probably telling him now, this was his decision," She said. Felix blinked a little and tried to brighten his smile again, but it was hard to.

Neither of them was truly happy about the news... because all three of them knew who Minho's heart belonged to. Minho had told Felix and of course, Felix couldn't hide it from his boyfriend or his now best friend, Ryujin.

"Anyway, congratulate your brother soon okay?" She said before turning in her step, and heading toward the door. She was almost out but then paused before turning around once more.

"Oh and I almost forgot, You and Ryujin are going to get engaged in a month, right before your brother's wedding! how lovely is that? this was mine and Mrs.Shin's decision" She smiled before turning around and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Just then, three hearts dropped, shattering into pieces. 

Felix, Ryujin, and Hyujin looked at each other, all shocked after they heard the news. 

None of them wanted it. 

Felix loved Hyunjin, he didn't love Ryujin the same way.

Hyunjin loved Felix, he can't live without the younger.

Ryujin saw both of them as friends and she was currently rooting Yeji. 

Neither of them was even close to being happy about the news. 

But what can they do? The entire world was against them...

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