♫ | twenty

180 17 13

Jisung walked back to the bed, sitting in front of Minho, crossing his legs while he held a bunch of sticky notes.

He looked at Minho before taking one of the notes and giving it to him. Minho curiously took it and read it out loud.

"'I always dreamt of becoming a singer and a rapper' wait- really?" Minho looked at Jisung, eyes widening. 

Minho frowned a little, confused.

This boy who can't utter a word, Han Jisung, wanted to be a singer. A rapper? Then What could've happened to his voice?

Jisung noticed MInho's confused expression and pursed his lips before giving him another note.

Taking the small note, Minho read it carefully. "'One day I got the chance to meet up with a big producer who'll help me achieve my dream'" Minho smiled after reading the note and looked at Jisung, who gave him the next one.

"'Everything was going so well. But then I got into a car cra-'" The older gasped before he could even finish reading the note. Jisung noticed how Minho stared at the paper in shock.

The younger took the note from Minho's hands and gave him the next one. 

"'My condition was bad but I survived that night, as you can see' And I am so fucking glad you did!" Minho said, looking at Jisung with his still-shocked eyes. Jisung nodded with a little smile before giving Minho another note. 

"'But that night... I lost my voice...'" Minho read the note slowly and glanced at Jisung who bit his lip and looked down sadly. Minho furrowed his eyebrows a little before placing the notes down and scooting closer to Jisung, holding his cheek.

"Jisung... you're so brave, you know that?" Minho said, making Jisung smile faintly as he looked at the older's dark brown eyes. 

Jisung tightened his grip around the last note in his hand before looking down at it. Minho followed his gaze and saw the note as well and he smiled adoringly at him. "Don't hide anything..." The older muttered.

Jisung hesitantly looked at the paper. He wondered what would happen if he showed it MInho. Should he tell him that it could be cured? That he could get his voice back with a very expensive surgery? Was he sure that Minho won't get the wrong idea from him?

With a sigh, Jisung leaned away from Minho a little and gave him the final note.

"But losing my voice isn't exactly permanent'?" Minho raised an eyebrow once again and looked at Jisung. Did the boy mean that his condition could be cured? If so, Minho wanted to help.

"How?" The older asked in curiosity and Jisung smiled at him before shaking his head a little. Jisung knew if he told Minho about the surgery, he might offer to pay it all in a go and that's not what he wanted. 

Although he would be grateful beyond words, he still wouldn't go on without feeling bad that Minho had spent so much money on him.

Minho sighed as he placed the note, realizing that it was all the information Jisung was willing to tell him at the time. Deciding to keep the remaining questions he had aside, he pulled Jisung into his embrace once again.

"Let's sleep now, I know you're tired" Minho whispered to which Jisung nodded. The two lay down, close to each other. Minho wrapped his arms around Jisung softly and Jisung smiled a little. He felt so warm, so complete, and so happy being in Minho's arms.

But he knew this was temporary. He hadn't forgotten what Minho had told him before he had confessed to him. Minho would be engaged to a girl in 2 days and Jisung knew there was nothing he could do to stop that from happening.

The boy sighed internally, leaning closer to Minho who had his eyes shut, breathing steadily. He didn't want to lose him like he had lost everything else. 

"Please... at least let me have him" Jisung prayed in his mind as he slowly closed his eyes. 

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