Chapter 200

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Madi returned six days later, sooner than I expected, but the Rattus were always known for their quick work. The Zerda had a request for a fresh supply of food as they had large shortages. The trade route between Cathopia and other cities had been destroyed due to the attacks from those mysteries assaults Madi mentioned.

I had been out preparing the horses, I had realised that the best animal to pull the cart was a camel, but we had no access or knowledge how to get one. Madi said it would have taken her longer to return if she had grabbed one while she was there. A little annoyed as it would have made this part easier.

Dash was actually on time, gathering whatever I asked him for and placing it in the cart. Zack was putting in the food supplies for the Zerda and us.

Link had arrived with Tigra who had managed to get the royal tent as requested. She was throwing the strange cube in her hand.

"You are so lucky I got hold of this one," she commented.

"Why's that?" I glanced at her for a second.

"Well to be honest, they only hand these out for official missions, you know those set by those at the academy or those set by my parents, so they said no." She let out a frustrated sigh. "They said no to me of all Animalia."

"So, how'd you get it?" I asked.

"I may or may not have taken it by force," she shrugged.

"She knocked them out," verified Link.

"You didn't stop her," I said.

"She'd done it within the blink of an eye," he commented.

"Tigra." I shook my head.

"What? I got what you wanted." She threw it in my direction. "Plus, this mission is very important to me, if I am to be queen one day then I need to restore what the darkness has made father destroy. We must restore the legacy of Fang." She went to sit on the cart, which was a seat for one, the rest of us would be walking. "And what better Animalia to restore it with than a Fang." I smirked at her comment.

"Alright, I'll let you off." I shouldn't have really been surprised.

"And so you know, this tent comes with a stable." She took hold of the reins.

"You did good." I couldn't say anything else than that.

"Fang." She gazed at me. "You don't mind if and when I become queen."

"Huh." I looked at her confused, catching a glimpse of the others, also confused by her question. "I have no say in that matter, but if you're worried about losing me as a friend, you've nothing to worry about. I will walk this world with you, no matter what title you have, I will always be your Guardian." I finished prepping the horses. "Now let's move out, we have a long way to go."

Tigra gently whipped the reins, and we were off. I continued to feel an excitement about this mission. I hadn't been out on a mission before with my new team. For a moment a sense of dread came over me, could I protect them from the darkness.

Raziel rubbed himself against me. "Do not doubt your power master." I looked down at him. "You have defeated Cutter, during this battle you have come to accept the anger you felt towards those who took your friends lives, realising the affect it has on our synchronisation."

"Did Fang ever suffer from losing synchronisation?" I questioned.

"He was the one who discovered this connection, understanding it more than anyone else," responded Raziel. "Only once did he lose his temper, his anger so great he lost all his power for quite some time."

Warrior of Fang part 2Where stories live. Discover now