Chapter 215

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I returned to Desvulp leaning on Raziel seeing that the city was still in a panic due to the arrival and accusations Dumah had been making about ruling their city. I chuckled remembering I had told dad about it, and he would have told King Alton. Dumah was going to get a beating from him when he got back for spreading lies.

"Please calm down. I have not come here to rule over you with Dumah," spoke Tigra. "We found King Kahili and he will make a full recovery as soon as he wakes up."

I strode through the crowd surrounding Tigra, it appeared my fight with Dumah had not lasted long. "Well, he left in a hurry." I joked as the crowd went silent. "I can confirm with confirmation from my father Yamato Fang, who was in a direct meeting with King Alton that Dumah was here upon his own fruition, trying to stir up trouble for her highness." I came to stand beside her, glancing at her with a smile, sure it had only been a few days since I'd seen her beauty, but I'd missed it.

"Fang." She gazed at me surprised.

"King Kahili will awaken soon I am sure of it," I said. "I healed him personally; just be patient and we will continue to help the city recover from the damage done by Scorlax for even he is no more." The citizen of Desvulp were listening to me as they settled down and slowly headed off.

"Thank you," said Tigra.

"No need for thanks," I responded, letting out a yawn.

"And you can see again," she smiled.

"I told you it would heal." She had been worried about nothing really, but I suppose she couldn't help it, sort of made her cuter when she held that expression.

"You still need your rest after that skirmish with Dumah, don't think I didn't sense the release of so much talisman energy." She was suddenly glaring at me. "You are to spend the rest of today resting in your room."


"No buts, that is an order from your princess." I flinched as she snapped back at me. I glanced back to see the others sniggering.

"Is it just me or does Fang tend to get told off more than we do," commented Dash.

"That's because he is reckless," responded Zack. "An idiot too."

I wanted to argue back but thought it best not to considering Tigra was right and so was Zack to a certain decree.

"Fine." Without a word I headed back to our room to rest up after my battle with Dumah. I could still feel the energy of our two powers resonating within my body, he was far more powerful than both Cutter and Scorlax, I'd surprised myself in how I had managed to combat against him even without my vision.

I laid down on the bed looking up at the ceiling, hoping soon we would go home, but first we would have to wait for King Kahili to awaken, how long that took depended on him.

Tigra continued her work with Desvulp, helping everyone rebuild the most outer skirts of the city, repairing buildings and erecting a wall to combat against the howling sandstorms that they suffered from.

Seeing that even a member of the royal family was treating those of poorer disposition the same as any other Animalia, the so-called nobility of the city joined in to help to. Tigra was such an amazing example to everyone, strong, gentle, and kind, the perfect makings of a future queen of Cathopia.

After I had recovered my power Tigra got me back to working on the building too, commenting I made the work go much faster, teaching and showing others how to manipulate their talisman to do the work I was doing with mine.

It was about four days before King Kahili awoke. Tigra was there when he did, smiling and reassuring him that his kin were safe and his city. Weak but still the king, he was adamant to see his citizens straight away.

I allowed him to ride upon Raziel to walk amongst the city, to see them all. Each Animalia who came to be in his presence bowed down on their hands and knees, he was truly worshipped and respected by his kin.

"I cannot thank you enough Fang for saving my life," said King Kahili. "Without you I would not be here." He bowed to me in the heart of the city, surrounded by so many. "The long-forgotten tales of Fang were all true it seems, for one as powerful and skilled as you can only come from a legend."

"You have no need to thank me." I felt embarrassed at his words. "I only ask one thing from you, that you start to retell the tales of Fang not as stories but as history and remember the goddess who guides the light of our world."

"Is that all?" Did he expect me to ask more of him.

"And you your highness. I apologise for Audun's actions towards you while influenced by the darkness." He bowed to Tigra, who blushed.

"I want nothing in return for this, just that you continued to support Cathopia, and we will do the same with you." Still thinking of the best for the kingdom.

"Of course," he nodded. "No matter what happens from here on out we will be forever bond to Cathopia through you, your highness."

"Thank you." Tigra had a huge smile on her face and a sparkle in her eye, she had accomplished what she had come here to do. The battles and struggles here had been worth it.

King Kahili insisted we stayed a few more days just to relax and not work before our return to Cathopia, but Tigra still insisted on sorting a day for our next visit and any last things. I just accompanied her while the others took a well-deserved break before we departed.

"You need to take a break too," I commented.

"I will on the way back." Tigra shrugged it off.

"You must look after yourself your highness," said Raziel.

"Whoa." Tigra cried as I picked her up, placing her on Raziel's back. "Alex." I just laughed, at least here we could relax more than back within Cathopia but wouldn't be long before we returned to the city.

I thought we would have an empty cart going back, but so many Zerda brought Tigra gifts as a thank you, which filled half the cart, but there were still enough room for three to ride on, whether it would be too heavy on the sand we would find out.

The day soon came when we were returning to Cathopia. The whole city came to see us off, his majesty King Kahili at the front.

"You are always welcome here within our city." King Kahili got down on his knees bowing, and his citizens followed.

"Please..." Tigra was shocked by their reaction. Her fellow Guardians and I did the same. I felt so proud of her, she had come so far, from the little Album Tigris, shaking off her responsibilities to hide in the bakery or playing games with her Guardians to acting like the future leader she would become, to one day be queen.

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