Chapter 204

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Leaving Tigra under the watchful eyes of Arata, I headed out into the desert accompanied by my team of Guardians. A part of me didn't want to drag anyone else into my struggle against the darkness as it had already claimed the lives of so many of my friends, but I had come to realise when I was fighting against Cutter, that I could not do this alone.

Much like the tales of Fang I grew up on, he met many Animalia, and fought beside those who still stood beside the light, and my fellow Guardians were no different. Dash had grown up reading his stories on the walls of caverns around the city, Zack's father Gual had worked beside mine and Link had seen the true horrors the darkness brings to those who are weak against it.

"Anyone of you fought a scorpion before?" I questioned, sensing the portion of power I had placed upon the scorpion.

"No." Dash was the first to answer.

"Most of the time any relation to scorpions would not dare go near Cathopia, knowing it was guarded by King Alton, rumours say he is a pro fighter against such species, even the Animalia kind," mentioned Zack.

"They aren't supposed to get that big," commented Link.

"That way." I quickly changed direction, using Larana to pull me along. "This thing is fast."

"The sand is not easy to run on," moaned Dash.

"Focus," I snapped. "Scorpions and Scorpio are known for their poison, if you at all feel in danger of being stung, get back."

"And let you have all the fun," smirked Zack, coming up beside me. "Fang, we already know the dangers of facing the darkness, have faith in us and none of us will ever let you down."

I glanced at him, then at Dash and Link. "I do have faith in you, I just don't want to lose anymore of my friends."

"Friends," repeated Link. I guess it had been a long time since he had one of those.

"Alright, we're right above him, stay back while I draw him out," I ordered. The three of them stopped, jumping away from where I was. I jumped in the air, spreading Larana's wings wide. "Now pull!" I shouted, holding out my hand where I connected instantly with the portion of Larana's power, grabbing hold of it I pulled it back, like a fish on the end of a line.

I felt some resistance, but in this form my power with Larana was more refined, pulling and pulling, the sands began to move, shifting slowly into a mound, then with one last pull the scorpion was air borne, away from the ground.

"What?" Scorlax and my line of sight met. "Fang!"

"Now!" I shouted.

On my order Dash, Link and Zack went into attack mode, jumping up to meet the airborne scorpion, unable to move or resist off the ground. Dash imbued his short sword with lightning as he struck at the scorpion's body, the lightning concentrated enough to travel up to Scorlax, who cried out.

Zack using his elemental skills of shadow, duplicating his dagger, throwing them masterfully across the scorpion's body, even landing one in Scorlax's shoulder.

Link's sword became enveloped in fire as he dug his blade into the scorpion's belly, pulling it along, coming away from the opposite side. I had noticed as he summoned his fire, that it only shimmered with his dark power, which was to be expected it was where he drew his power from.

"Away" I ordered as the scorpion came to land with a crash, everyone stood on guard as I landed too. "Scorlax," I said his name as I saw the dark aura his body was emitting, including that of the dark scorpion and the desert around us.

"I didn't expect you to respond so quickly," he remarked, touching the scorpion. "I won't be underestimating you like Cutter did." His dark aura spread further around the scorpion as the wounds inflicted healed, not this again, I thought.

Warrior of Fang part 2Where stories live. Discover now