Chapter 223

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Tigra and I rushed over to the bakery where at least twenty of my fellow clan members were waiting outside, it seemed they had all been literally kicked out of the bakery, door locked and all; even dad was waiting outside with everyone else, seemed mum did not care who you were, out you went.

"Dad," I called over, silencing the rushed and mumbling voices of the other clan members, then they all bowed in the presence of Tigra.

"It's alright." He waved his hand. "Things have only just started; you didn't have to rush over here."

"Oh..." I glanced back at Tigra.

"So, there is more of the Fang Clan left," she grinned. "All brown fur, like you, certainly still unique within the lands of Panthera and all handsome too." I glared at her, thinking she was sizing up another male. She gently rubbed my back as if reassuring me.

"Your highness." The others all gazed at her, then glanced at dad. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?" I asked, but quickly realised what they had all noticed. "Oh crap."

"Shush." Dad quickly silenced them. "It is a secret, do not utter those words."

"What?" Tigra nudged me.

"Your pendent," I whispered. It took her a moment to remember the real reason I had given it to her.

"Oh, it's true," she nodded. She quickly glanced around.

"Tigra." I was surprised at her for saying something.

"We'll talk later," said dad. "I'll explain once we're let back inside the bakery, where his ears cannot hear us." They all nodded.

I wasn't sure how long we were all standing outside for, but it gave me the opportunity to get to know my fellow clan members, as most I had never met before. I only knew Kiba's father but not by name; Kiba's mother was inside with mine helping with the delivery.

Most were nervous to be in Tigra's presence considering her status as crowned princess, but soon relaxed when they realised what kind of Animalia she was, kind and once she started chatting away there was no stopping her.

Dad, mum, Athena and Brendan had been the only ones to really know about my betrothal gift to Tigra, but so many more knew now, I know they are members of my clan, but the thought didn't make it anymore nerve racking.

"Alright there Alex?" asked dad.

"No," I whispered. "They all know."

"Do not worry, they all share the same light and we're all family," smiled dad. "This news might even please the elders."

"Is this not everyone?" I asked.

"No, it isn't." He shook his head. "I think there might be forty perhaps sixty of us left in this world, not enough really, but we had no choice."

"Dad?" I gazed at him confused.

"This war of light and darkness transcends more than just this world," responded dad, but he said no more as a bell rang, the bell of the bakery door – it was mum. She nodded to dad, and he headed inside.

Tigra came to stand next to me. "Isn't this exciting?"

"How?" I asked.

"A new life, rare amongst your clan from what I've heard." I glanced at her. "Is Cathopia in that much danger, that not even the light of the goddess can reach it."

"Tigra." I grabbed her hand. "I am here. I will protect you and Cathopia with my life. I will always come back for you, no matter where I am. I will even transcend worlds and even death for you." My mind flashed for a moment, seeing the attack from Melchiah hitting me. I stumbled back, was that my future?

"Alex." Tigra was alarmed.

"I'm okay." I shook my head, just a vision. I couldn't tell her or anyone about this not until I was certain what it meant, perhaps my nightmares had also been telling me, I was next.

The bakery bell rang again, and dad walked out, holding a blanket and a small brown Feles, with a few black stripes, indicating Lin's bloodline.

Dad was smiling. "Gathered here together, we celebrate a new member of our clan, his name Sabastian" Dad held the cub up for everyone to see. "He shares our light and will walk the path of a Fang under the guidance of his Chief and his grandparents as his mother is still new to our ways, as we teach mother, so will we teach her child."

Every single Fang present got down on one knee, bowing to the new clan member. I copied everyone else and watched as each of their lights of purification spread throughout the corridor, reaching the cubs little light, a spark of purity.

After a few minutes little Sabastian was returned to Lin, resting in her room and the rest were guided inside by dad to talk more.

"Why did you not tell us your son was betrothed to the crowned princess?" Tigra and I were both stuck there listening to this, me embarrassed, Tigra loving all the drama.

"I am not the one who should be delivery news of which my son wanted to be kept a secret," responded dad.

"When did this happen?" asked another curious.

"Alton in his mad schemes managed to set them both up together," mentioned dad. "Guiding Princess Tigra to become best friends with my son and well you see the results."

"The king knows, but I thought he wanted her betrothed to Dumah," said another, filling the room with mumbled chatter.

"Never going to happen," I snarled at the thought.

"The years of exposure, which he has chosen to bring upon himself have led to unfortunate side effects, such as being paranoid and confusion, but he is still fighting, even planning ahead without Dumah even knowing," explained dad.

"How could you have let him so close to the king, the previous chief would never allowed that to happen," spoke the elder.

"I am not him and Alton decided this on his own even after all my warnings." Dad's voice was sounding agitated. "Alton may act the fool, but I guess he knows what he's doing, stupid idiot." He mumbled the last bit. "And as his best friends, Chief of the Fang Clan and his Guardian I stand by his decision." Dad's fur stood on end. "If anyone does not like how I do things, then they can challenge me for the position of Chief." They all quickly backed down, falling silent.

I touched my dad's shoulder. "I wanted it to be kept a secret because I wanted to protect Tigra, for years I fought against how I felt, wanting so much to tell her my feelings, even giving her my betrothal gift before she even knew what it was." I spoke up. "Dumah had his sights set on her, but also wanted to destroy me, even know if he knew really how close we are, he might target Tigra, even use her to get at me, perhaps he still might but as her Guardian I am right where I need to be, so please I ask this of you all, stop questioning dad, he has far more guidance than any of you could ever imagine." They all remained silent. "So, trust him."

"Well spoken," smiled dad.

"Would you lot quiet down." Mum came storming in. "Lin is trying to rest, if you must know it was quite the tiring birth for her."

"Right, sorry." Dad glanced around the room. "I call this meeting to an end, thank you all for coming. I would like to talk to you all a few more times before you head back out to your original tasks." They all nodded in silence and one by one they left the room. "That was far more annoying than it had to be."

"Even after all these years, they still look at you so differently," commented mum as she wondered back out of the room.

"Must have been tough for you dad," I said.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." Dad simply brushed it off. "Best return to your duties too."

I nodded. "Come on Tigra."

"See you later dad," joked Tigra, giving him a quick hug.

"What was that about?" I looked at Tigra, but she said nothing, leaving without me. Dad shrugged his shoulders, then nodded in her direction, basically telling me to go on after her and I did.

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