Chapter 216

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That day we left Desvulp to return to Cathopia. Leaving the desert behind us it was refreshing to enter the forests again, ground much more solid, the cooling breeze blowing through the trees and my fur.

"Home." I heard Tigra sigh, catching the sight of Cathopia as we approached. "Fang, do you mind if you fly me in. I kind of want to avoid a commotion."

"Of course." I nodded. Tigra moved to the edge of the cart and climbed onto Raziel with me. "See you guys within the castle." They bowed.

"Alright, Raziel." On my command Raziel broke into a run, flapping his great wings and we were up. "You, okay?"

"Yeah," she nodded.

I wrapped my arms around her. "You can tell me anything remember."

"I know, let's go to the bakery. I've missed your mum's food."

"Mum's cooking it is."

We landed on the roof and proceeded to the bakery; sure, we had missed the main flocking of Cathopia's citizens on arrival but could never avoid the knights wondering around the castle; all welcoming Tigra back with smiles.

Not long and we arrived home to the scent of mum's cooking, coming through the doors as the doors opened.

"Alex," cheered Athena. "You're back."

"Athena." Tigra rushed over and we headed in together.

Brendan was already sat at the table waiting for mum to finish. Dad was out with King Alton discussing why it was that Dumah had gone to Desvulp but would return soon. I was hoping they would kick Dumah out of the city, but that wasn't going to happen, not while he still held some influence over the king and the city.

"Welcome home." Mum gave me a hug. "Such a tough one on you." She stroked my cheek. "How is your vision." She knew.

"Fine," I answered. "We've come for some food please."

"Have a seat," she smiled.

"That blasted Dumah denies going to Desvulp." Dad came in rambling. "Where is your proof? He said, I'll show him proof." The air changed a little with his agitated ranting, quickly changing to calmness when he saw me. "Alex."

"Hi dad." I waved.

"You look good." He came over, patting me on the shoulder. "After dinner you're coming with me."

"Yamato, he's just gotten back," commented mum.

"And." Dad shrugged. "No better time, than after an intense battle." He sat down next to Tigra.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"A little training trip," responded dad. "Don't mind if I borrow your mate and Guardian for a few days?" He looked at Tigra, who went bright red at his comment.

"Dad!" I shouted embarrassed for us both.

"What? It's only us here," smirked dad.

"Yamato." Mum shook her head. "Stop teasing them."

Dad was not sorry in the slightest. "Alton dared me."

"And you went for it." I was surprised. "Wait does he know?"

Dad ignored me and turned to Tigra. "Well..."

"Sure, he can have some time off," answered Tigra as mum brought food over.

"Alton is good at hiding information even when he was influenced by the darkness," mentioned dad. "Remember this, he set you two up from the beginning, from the very moment he told you to hide in the bakery."

"Wait." I remembered him always joking about something, I didn't understand then. "Son-in-law, he always used to say that. I know what it means." I ruffled my hands through my hair and then planted my head on the table.

"I think I have mentioned before Alton has always acted the fool, but is often many steps ahead, even ahead of me," admitted dad. "He still believes that a Fang belongs as a monarch of the city, but we have always worked in the background, alongside the royal family even though in our past we were labelled royalty."

"I knew you were a prince," grinned Tigra.

"Don't you start," I sighed.

"Eat up, you'll need it." Mum served dinner of an assortment of meats; it was so good; mum was the best.


Not long after eating, not even getting the chance to enjoy the company of my friends and family. Dad stood up, stretching, gazing at me with a strange spark in his eyes. "Let's go Alex." I let out a long sigh, not really wanting to go anywhere. "Alex." The atmosphere changed and I felt a chill go down my spine.

"Coming." I stood up instinctively. I'd faced embodiments of darkness; massive monsters and I was scared of my dad. "Brendan, can you take Tigra back to her room later, the others don't know we came here."

"Sure. I'll take her back to her Guardians," answered Brendan. "Have fun, you have no idea what he has planned for you."

"Can't be any harder than fighting of monstrous scorpions," I responded.

"We'll need to arrive at our destination before nightfall, let's move," ordered dad. I nodded, noticed he did not pick up any supplies, most probably were not going very far.

Dad and I left the castle, then the city across the wind fairy bridge, heading towards the closest point of the jagged mountains. Dad had yet to say anything about what it was we were doing out here.

I stared up at the jagged mountain as we got closer, the rocks jagged in places, pointed sharply as they reached up to the skies. I had grown bigger since first gazing upon them with dad, but they were still an intimidating structure.

Dad turned to face me, after we reached a small area of the mountain. He pointed upwards. "The task is simple; we must reach the top."

"Is that it?" I looked at him, about to summon Larana's wings.

"No talismans allowed," he grinned.


"You and I will travel to the top with no assistance from talismans," said dad. "You forget that without a strong body, then you cannot handle the strain a talisman has on the body, and from what I've heard from Brendan, you have only been training to master the talismans power."

"Well yeah," I said.

"A strong master embodies strong talismans and with the four you possess you also need to train the body." Dad turned to face the mountain. "Stamina, physical strength and mental strength are all key for being stronger." Dad jumped straight up, running up the sheer rock on all fours, scaling to the first ledge within seconds.

"No way."

He looked down towards me. "Come Alex, show me what you can do."

Warrior of Fang part 2Where stories live. Discover now