Chapter 222

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I let Dash continue to watch Tigra the next morning as I went to the training grounds to go over what I had learnt with dad, but dad had beaten me to the grounds. I entered to see him practising with Zekon's new form, letting off short burst as not to raise suspicion from those who may be passing by.

Dad grinned as he saw me. "Don't you have a princess to guard."

"I haven't gone to see her yet, she doesn't know am back," I replied.

"Oh, she'll know, she's just giving you some chill time," he let out a chuckle. "I suspect she had every knight keeping an eye out for your return, so I wouldn't stay away too long."

"I won't." I rubbed my head, feeling nervous about leaving her for so long. "Dad, can I run something by you?"

"Sure." He nodded, Zekon returning to his original form and being sheathed. "What's on your mind."

"I wanted to do more against the darkness, and I don't believe we can do it on our own, just the Fang clan isn't enough considering there are so few of us now," I began. "The Rattus Warriors are already on our side, and so are others I've helped, perhaps we can have their help with chasing the darkness from other places, we're spread too thin."

"Hmm." He seemed to be thinking about it. "Sounds like the wisdom of a leader to me, sounds good." He nodded. "But doing such talks with allies within the castle would be too risky of being heard, we'd need somewhere else."

"I already have such a place in mind," I grinned.

"And where might that be." He was intrigued.

I took dad along with my fellow Guardians who were still adamant in helping me against the darkness to a place outside the castle, an inn called the Trees Hollow I had spotted for sale, it had been a while since I'd passed and luckily it was still available.

"You want to buy this dump," remarked Arata.

"Perfect," smirked dad.

"Do you earn enough for that," commented Dash.

"Well, I have paid accommodation for being a Guardian and I can go to the kitchens when I want something to eat, so really don't have any need to spend my coin," I responded.

"Needs a major upgrade, this place has been going downhill for years," said Zack.

"A resistance like the stories." Link gazed at me.

"Exactly," I nodded.

"Now you are acting like a real Fang." Dad patted me on the back. "Good luck rennervating it."

"Aren't you going to help me," I said.

"I do have a bakery to run and a king to keep from falling any deeper," He took a deep breath. "Mind having so many clan members about have softened the darkness, even Dumah struggles to keep his control."

"Guessing King Alton is causing you trouble again," I said.

"Indeed. I think he's up to something." Dad shook his head. "Well, have fun." And he headed off.

"Run down, but you guys will help me, right." I glanced back at the others, who gazed back as if I had asked a stupid question. "You really going to let me do this all on my own."

"We have a princess to watch," snorted Zack. "Like you should, she's missed you."

"Alright," I sighed. "I'll go see her as soon as I've finalised the sale." I headed in to check the place out. The inn wasn't that big, advertised as having ten rooms for guests, a bar, lounge area and three back rooms for the owner.

Warrior of Fang part 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora