Chapter 220

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Dad and I spent the rest of the week training out there, putting me through my paces, the sphere training had been completely different I had to dodge sixty while trying to catch one, all in the space of a three meter by 3 meter square, oh the battering I got, but my reflexes quickly improved, my instincts for hunting had also gotten better, catching larger pray and eating well even after a tiring day of training.

Dad was tougher and scarier than any animalia I had even fought before, no wonder Dumah was scared of his presence, anything else related to the darkness he could quickly deal with, just not them.

Dad had decided it would soon be time to return home, not wanting to leave Cathopia without us for too long, and an important event would happen soon, but did not say what, just that we would need to be present as the heads of the clan.

Unfortunately, he also discovered my biggest secret as without Tigra's presence, the nightmares quickly returned. He told me it was something I would have to come to terms with on my own, but I felt like they were getting worse, some nights even Tigra could not keep them away.

"Before we go home, you have to beat me in a sparring match," said dad. We were standing out between the trees. "I want to test you." Dad smirked. "A single hit to me should do the trick and you are now allowed to use your talismans."

"Alright, just like back in the forests," I smirked remembering our fight together.

"I suppose so, but this time I won't be trying to kill you," he remarked.

"I've gotten stronger since then," I commented.

"And I have never stopped improving myself." Dad drew Zekon, the sword glowing red with his power. "I hope you're ready for a beating."

"Been having those all week," I taunted back, drawing Raziel and Arata.

Dad raised his hand. "Fire ring." Wind blew and fire formed into a ring, aimed at me. Larana's wings took shape, jumping forward, twisting through the centre, rolling forward, ready to respond with my own attack, but dad was waiting, swiping Zekon as I stood up, leaning back just enough to avoid being cut.

I had no chance to react as he was on the move, changing the direction of his attack in a second, coming back upwards, heat radiating from his sword. I quickly used Larana to push me away with a gust of wind, twisting on my heel, summoning a tornado to ward him off.

"Going to have to do better than that." Dad ran through the tornado with Zekon's form changing into a bow. The power from Zekon released cancelled out my tornado. Drawing the string, not even aiming he released five arrows at once, filled with pure energy.

"He's too fast," I cried out as I swiped away at his arrows, dispelling them. Responding with waves of fire and lightning.

Dad unfazed moved out of the way of each one. "Need to be faster than that." Dad's fused armour appeared as he dashed forward.

"Mila." I called for her fused armour but didn't have the chance for it to take full form.

"Alex you are too slow." Dad shook his head. "You don't need to tell her what to do, she already knows."

I felt frustrated, compared to dad's flowing movements, I was sloppy, slow, perhaps it was just pure luck I had defeated Cutter, Scorlax and even the draw in that fight against Dumah; and my luck had run out against dad.

"You have too much doubt, master," snarled Raziel. "Stop thinking too much and attack, following your instincts."

"You've told him a hundred times brother, he will never learn," snorted Arata.

"Have faith in yourself master," spoke Larana. Have fun, enjoy this battle with Master Yamato."

I relaxed a little more, took a breath and exhaled. "Alright."

Warrior of Fang part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant