Chapter 229

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The dark energy from Hashana changing form had me pinned to the far wall, against Cutter and Scorlax it had never been that much, but they had not been confined by stone walls. Quickly realising that this much dark power would kill anyone with no defence against it, I lifted my hand, sensing the locations where my wind barriers were, still protecting the Smilodon in this room; I surrounded them in my light, then directed it towards the door, summoning a light barrier there without a second thought, after all there were still Smilodon out there, some still alive.

"Trying to confine me, Fang." Hashana's voice echoed within the room like thunder, changing to a deeper tone. "How my servant's bodies have failed to destroy you, perhaps the powers of this era are too weak to hold the powers I bestow upon them." The form of the darkness shifted, slowly fading away to reveal Hashana's new form. I found it quite alarming, compared to the other two I had faced.

Hashana stood there more wolf than Animalia now, her body large, triple the size of a normal wolf. Her wolf pack had become one with her, carrying six heads, each one letting off a different elemental signature, each snarling, moving with a mind of their own.

The centre head held the most dark energy, the condensed crystal upon its forehead. This felt completely different from what had happened to Cutter and Scorlax. I wasn't sure how it was different, but I would soon find out.

"Be very careful, master." Raziel and Arata came to stand beside me.

"Tight space not going to be easy," commented Arata.

The large lightning crystal at the heart of the room was still sparking off energy, the cavern seemed to rumble, and I felt that feeling of being watched seem to intensify as if it had been awakened by the energy Arata and I put within the lightning crystal.

It felt like an ancient power, growing in strength but seemed to be greatly impacted by the dark energy that filled the room, if I had known about it, I would have too protected whatever it was against the darkness.

"How dare you come here!" roared a voice. A shape coming down from above, an agile shape, but strong with four legs, long tails, wings in a combo of yellows and golds; a black ridge going down the back of its body and great horns upon his head. This shape and form I recognised, it was a dragon, much like the shape of little Furina's tattoo.

"Oh, he woke you up, did he," snarled Hashana.

The dragon glanced back at me, he looked weak and tired, even he had been deeply affected by the dark crystals here. "A Fang." He quickly looked back at Hashana. "Be gone." He lashed out towards Hashana, baring claws and fangs, but before he could even reach Hashana, each head moved releasing an onslaught of elemental energy, fire, water, lightning, wind, earth, shadow and darkness.

The dragon's body glowed along his belly, then released his own power. The remaining crystals in the room glowed with his power, sparks strangely sparking off them and empowering the dragon.

I could only watch as the two powers came into contact, both were powerful, but the darkness had obviously taken away the dragon's strength being in such close proximity to dark crystals for so long. I wondered why the dragon had not acted sooner.

The dragon's power faulted against Hashana, seeing the outcome, I moved forward, summoning a barrier between Hashana and the dragon before the attack could reach him, both attacks interrupted the dragon collapsed.

I stood in front of the dragon, glancing back at him. "Rest, she's mine." The dragon said nothing, just crumbled, most unpleased I had interrupted, but if I had not, he would have been worse off.

"Even now you protect them, their power is best used within talismans, why should only they be gifted with power from her," snarled Hashana. I had this feeling that the eternal dragon and the goddess's struggled against one another went deeper than just light and darkness, for history that far back didn't exist.

"You had no right to seal them, sacred animals didn't deserve what you did to them." I held Raziel and Arata with conviction, I would make him pay for his words.

"Your clan are in my way." Hashana lashed out, darting forward with all heads snapping. I twisted to the right, avoiding the gnashing fangs, each one was resonating with the element that they were strangely imbued with, how was that even possible when Hashan naturel ability followed that of shadow, like Zack.

As Hashana moved past me, a single head moved separate from the others, aiming directly at me, a fire emblem upon its head. Mouth open released the power in which it wielded. Lifting Raziel to send off my own fire, the two energies came into contact. I had no problem in handling against it, but in a matter of seconds the other heads had twisted in my direction each releasing their own breath attack, knowing I would not be able to fend off that amount of power, I pulled away, bursting out wind to redirect the attack enough for me to avoid receiving any damage.

Hashana was still on my tail, moving far faster than I expected of a beast of her size, obviously boosted by the wind attribute that one of the heads held. I wasn't even sure how to retaliate as I had never faced a foe imbued with so many powers, maybe in separate forms, a team, but never in a single entity.

I needed to react quickly as Hashana was on my tail, darting towards me, releasing short energy bursts at random from different heads, she never gave me a chance to respond to her attacks. I needed to be faster.

Jumped back, releasing the wind to glide me across the room, to give me an opportunity to summon forth Larana's fused armour, I had begun to be able to fuse with her power faster but not as fast as dad would have liked; him and Zekon could fuse within a second, but that was due to the first connection his type made with their master, creating the fused armour during their first meeting.

Larana's fused armour took form, from the leaf like armour to her six wings upon my back, I could feel her power, the wind itself becoming one with me. I covered my body in a pocket of wind to increase my speed further.

This time when Hashana came at me, I moved effortlessly as she pounced, covering the distance I had created in a second. Moving around her, I swiped down both blades, down her side, infusing the now curved blades with their corresponding elements, burning, and sending lightning energy through her body.

Hashana let out a welp, moving away from me where she released another elemental attack, this time I was ready for it, having seen it twice I could release enough of Larana's power to defend, dispel and released my next move.

"Air cutter." I wasn't going to hold back this attack this time, considering the amount of energy and attacks she let off and the cavern had remained strong, this place was a lot sturdier than I thought.

My attacks ripped through Hashana like a thousand blades, she collapsed before my very eyes, but I knew from experience that this was not the end; that was confirmed when I heard her laughing.

"Is that all you can do to me?" Hashana stood up, the wounds over her body quickly healing, but one of the heads were missing, it seemed her dark power was tied to the number of heads she had. I would need to work through each head, knowing that she would heal each time, this was going to be tricky.

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