Chapter 202

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A few days later we arrived at Desvulp, where we were greeted by the citizens all wanting to get a sight of the princess. The four of us, took strong positions to make sure they did not get too close. Zerda were very much like their animal cousins, the fennec fox, with their big ears and sandy coloured fur. There were also other desert loving Animalia here, but the Zerda clearly outnumbered them, perhaps they were here to seek shelter from the attacks in the desert we'd already heard about.

Those gladded in armour of silver and fine fabrics, stepped forward. "I am glad you arrived safely, please follow me, the elder is waiting for you."

"We brought the supplies you requested," informed Tigra.

"Bring them with us," he acknowledged and began walking towards the heart of the city.

The city was comprised of houses made from condensed sand, the roads laid out with flowering cactus, trees and colourful bushes, this place was filled with more life than I expected. The main source for this life was the fountain at the heart of the city, large in size, made from white stone, carved with images of Fang's battles here and how he brought forth water for them.

I soon realised that a percentage of the buildings had heavy damage to them, almost like something big had climbed all over it, a giant scorpion perhaps. Scorlax had been plaguing them, I just needed to wait for him to show himself and end the terror he was causing these Animalia, but the Zerda seemed less terrified of their attackers than those of Dagan.

The elder was waiting outside a grand building, painted in vibrant colours, with a tall tower a beacon within the city.

"Welcome, your highness." The elder came forward, reaching out his hands to take Tigra's.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you Elder Audun." She bowed her head slightly in respect.

"I apologise the king could not meet you, he is busy with other affairs, but I thank thee on his behalf for coming at such short notice, to honour our city with your presence."

"That is quite alright, but I need to see him before I leave, I wanted to rebuild our connections, not just with my father, but with me as future queen." Tigra spoke with confidence and a radiance that demanded respect. This was a side of Tigra I hadn't really seen before, she may have not wanted to be queen, but she still understood her responsibility to the Animalia of Cathopia and those of the surrounding land.

"We are just happy we were finally able to get into contact with Cathopia," he smiled wearily. "Please come in." He held on to one of Tigra's hands and we headed inside the building.

The room was long with a finely decorated carpet down the middle, benches lining both sides, this was most probably where the citizens came together. I glanced around, noticing cracks in the walls, perhaps even a shelter.

"I am sorry, that I could not have come sooner," began Tigra.

"No need to worry your highness, you are here now," he responded. "As you saw by our small city, we have been hit by hard times against the Scorpiones and scorpions which grow more aggressive each day, some bigger than others, such a strange change in them."

"Please relax. I am determined to deal with the situation. I bring my Guardians, finest warriors of all Cathopia, one who is a warrior of Fang," informed Tigra. "We will help repair some of the damages and whatever else you need, including the dealing of your attack problems."

"Again, thank you, your highness." He took a step back and bowed. "This world will be in great hands with you as our future queen." She blushed at his comment. "I will now show you to your rooms."

We left the building to another, not too far from the fountain, could see it from the windows. The place had a huge open lobby area, with a fancy staircase you'd mainly see in mansions, even had golden carpet going up, centred, going along all the corridors. The walls covered in art of animals and sacred animals, even Animalia portraits and stands with ceramics placed on top, from vases to big jugs.

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