Chapter 209

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We made it back to Desvulp as the sun was beginning to set, Tigra had not moved from where we had left her. Elder Audun was still tied up, snoozing away as if he didn't care. I could hear his breathing and if I wasn't in a bad way, would have woken him up and tortured him for putting Tigra in danger.

I heard a gasp. "Fang." I felt her hand touch mine. "Are you alright?"

"Fine." I waved my hand, trying to act tough.

"He took a hit to the eyes, blinded," responded Zack. "Link passed out for some reason after the fight, I suspect related to the heat and Dash took a deep wound to his back."

"You don't have to tell her everything," I cursed at him.

"And why not?" she huffed. "But really tell me."

"My body is stiff from Scorlax's poison, and I can't see a thing, but Mila is already at work fixing my eyes, might take a few days sensitive area," I said, reaching my hand to pat her on the head. "But I am fine, we all are, nothing a little sleep won't fix." I yawned. "And loads of water, man was it hot out there."

"I will have it sorted." Tigra held a determined sound in her voice. "I am the highest-ranking Animalia here, I will take charge until King Kahli is found, I suspect Elder Audun knows something, he will be interrogated throughout the night until he reveals his location." Her voice trembled a little.

"Tigra, leave this to the people of Desvulp, you too need some rest," I said concerned.

"Only when my Guardians have had there's," she responded.

Tigra sent us straight to our rooms as if we were small children, needing to be grounded. She sent the others to their rooms first, absolutely adamant on it, not even Zack could argue with her, and he came off with the least number of injuries.

Zack nodded. "Yes, your highness." And went to settle the still unconscious Link into his bed.

Tigra stayed with me, helping me get into mine, first removed my torn tunic to see where Scorlax had jabbed me with his tail. She laid me down, placing her hand upon my chest, where I felt a tear drop.

"Tigra, don't cry." I lifted my hand to her face.

"What you face to fight the darkness," her voice quivered.

"I must. I am the only one, along with dad who can actually purify this stuff," I said. "And I kept my promise, I came back didn't I." I smiled.

"Alex." She buried her face in my chest, sobbing. "I was so worried when I saw you run off after Scorlax, what if you didn't come back."

"Are you losing faith in me," I joked.

"No, not at all," she shook her head.

"Well then, stop the tears, you have a job to do," I said.

"I do," she nodded. "But just let me stay with you for a little longer." She rolled onto her side, pressing her back against me. She'd soon fallen asleep.

The next day I had no option but to lay there and do nothing, sensing the breeze blowing from the window, hearing the occasional voice from outside. By the sounds of its Zack was already back to doing his duty with protecting Tigra, which was good.

Tigra had come back a few times to give me little updates, and to quickly moan about how annoyed and frustrated she was getting, but if she couldn't handle this, she would not make it as queen.

I heard that Dash had been healed by their healers but had been given today to fully recover and Link was still out of it. I had asked Raziel to check on him for me, to see how he was with absorbing that dark energy, if I could get to him, I could have done it for him, but Tigra kept a guard by the open window and the door locked so I wouldn't be moving anywhere, saying 'I know you, Fang.' She was right lying about was not my thing, I was already going crazy.

The only bonus was Tigra took it to herself to look after me. She gave me a drink when I needed and food, changed my bandages, even had the guard leave on a break whenever she returned. I wondered to myself if King Alton had done this for Queen Daz after she had lost her power.

"I did this for you before," said Tigra as I felt her changing my bandages.

"I heard it all from the nurses and well mum," I responded. "Thank you Tigra."

"No need for thanks." She placed her hand upon my chest. "Just make sure you always keep your promise."

"I will always keep it, even if we are worlds apart," I reassured her. She touched my cheek, sensing as she moved closer to me.

The door burst open. "Your highness." It was Dash. Tigra immediately sat up straight, she was most probably frantic.

"Dash!" she shouted in surprise.

I was quite annoyed too. "Dash, haven't you heard of knocking, one day I'll come crashing through your rooms wall and I won't even know who you are." I wasn't even sure why I had said that all.

"Pardon?" I had confused him.

"Always knock before entering Dash," snorted Tigra.

"Sorry." He apologised. "It's Link, he has woken up." He stepped aside and Link came in.

"Your highness."

"Link." She sounded relieved and headed over to him.

"I am ready to return to duty," he said.

I could sense some of the residue energy he had absorbed around him, he needed some more time before he could return to duty. "No." I said. "You need to rest until what you absorbed is gone."

"Absorbed?" Both Dash and Tigra responded.

"He..." What the heck should I say, his abilities were meant to be kept a secret. "He came into contact with some of the dark energy, his body hasn't fully recovered yet." I think that would be enough of an explanation.

"I see." Tigra had believed me. "Back to bed Link."

"But." Link was reluctant.

"That is an order," I chimed in. "Remember can't go against her highnesses orders."

"Fine." Link left the room in a huff.

"And Dash knock next time," huffed Tigra, annoyed.

"Sorry." He slowly backed out of the room and left.

"Sometimes I wonder about them," she sighed. "What do you mean with what you said to Dash."

I shrugged. "Don't know, sometimes words and sentences come to me like that through my clairvoyance."

"Would you forget me," she wondered.

"I could never forget you," I responded.

"You get some rest and I'll see you later," she said.

"Okay." And she left me alone, with the return of the guard by the window. I let out a long sigh. "So bored."

Warrior of Fang part 2Where stories live. Discover now