Chapter 206

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Laying there on the ground, my body as heavy as lead weights, all I could do was watch as Scorlax ate the condense dark crystal just as Cutter had done. The dark energy was immense, and I saw Scorlax's life fade from his eyes, the transformation would come next.

"Fang," Link came running over. "Are you alright?"

"You need to run," I said trying so hard to move my body, this wasn't over yet, I needed to move.

"We can't leave you," refused Dash.

"He is no longer Scorlax," I mentioned, managing to get to my hands and knees, focusing as I quickly absorbed some of the light particles around me, feeling a little stronger, but my body was still heavy. "He will change, just as Cutter did."

"What will he become." Zack was staring at Scorlax as the darkness surrounded him completely.

"A monster," was my answer as I forced myself to get to my feet. "Now get out of here!"

Zack slapped me. "Fang, we are going nowhere, we are a team, we are all Tigra's Guardian's, the sooner you except that the better." I looked at him stunned.

"I don't want to lose any more friends," I admitted.

"You have so little faith in us." Link shook his head. "You have never fought alone." He indicated to my talismans. "We are simply another extension of yourself, use us, guide us to victory."

"Alright," I nodded. "I will need your help; my body is too heavy to be capable of defeating what comes next."

The four of us watched as the darkness slowly dispersed revealing a scorpion far larger than the one before, the exoskeleton black and red, gleaming like a dark crystal and there was not just one tail, but two with sharp barbs going all along them. His pinches covered in spikes, flexed open and closed like the mouth of some vicious beast.

"Fang." The voice that had come out of Cutter, came from Scorlax. "Fang, this time I will destroy you."

"That isn't Scorlax, is it," gulped Dash.

"No, it is the eternal dragon," I answered, gripping tightly to Raziel and Arata. I felt this fear come over me; a warmth from Raziel calmed me.

"Master, this will be challenging with your body in the condition it is currently in, I recommend recovering some more energy before beginning, that way Larana's armour may take shape once more boosting your sluggish body," suggested Raziel.

"Can you guys give me some time," I said.

"How long?" asked Zack.

"Two minutes at the most," I answered.

"No problem," said Link.

"Don't take too long," commented Dash as the three of them readied for combat.

Scorlax rose up higher, smashing his pinches against the ground, it shook violently, the sand shifting and moving. He did it again, almost like he was waiting for us to make the first move.

"Be careful, he might be large, but I suspect he will be fast," I mentioned. "Now go!" I ordered. The three of them broke into a run, splitting up as they approached, Zack on the left, Link on the right and Dash went down the middle, using his speed to jump over the pinches and onto Scorlax's back.

"Focus," said Larana. "We need to be able to fight at full strength."

I nodded, closing my eyes, trusting in my friends to provide me with the time I needed to recover. Light spheres floated around me, even with the concentration of dark power in the area.

"You are getting good at this." I heard a different voice.

"Fang," I said.

"Not bad really, considering the dark aura," he commented.

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