Chapter 236

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I was a bit reluctant to leave Alton alone in the throne room, but dad reassured me that he would be safe, especially with Fang present, no one would be able to get anywhere near him, saying that he was completely under his protection.

Dad left me closer to the bakery, he needed to pick a few things up before getting a few other members of our clan within the city of Anamothra, that I would be greeted by one on my arrival, who had been living there their whole life which sounded odd considering he was a Feles living amongst Avis.

I returned to Tigra who had been waiting patiently for me. Link was with her as it was Dash's day off, as soon as I arrived, he was about to leave, but I stopped him as it also included him. Called for Dash through the wind, he wasn't too far and came back in a rush, but before he could settle I had him go get Zack as I knew he was still annoyed with me for saying have the night off.

"First you say have the night off and now you're summoning me from my sleep, what?" he had quite the attitude today.

"Zack." Tigra gazed at him.

"Your highness." He bowed, calming himself down in her presence.

"We're all going to Anamothra." I began to tell them everything that dad and Alton had told me about the kidnapping of their princess and how we would have to stay somewhere which had begun to change just as Cathopia had when Dumah got his claws within Alton, within the walls of our home.

"What rubbish," laughed Dash.

"Yamato thinks it might be related to Dark crystals." Link spoke up quietly but held an expression of anger. I nodded. "Them we must go."

"Remember it will be dangerous, may have spies and assassins all under Dumah or even Vali, he could target anyone of us, are you prepared for this?" I asked.

"Where her highness goes, I go," said Zack.

"I won't let others suffer the way I did," said Link.

"Always up for a challenge," grinned Dash.

"Right then, we're all set to leave tomorrow morning, sooner the better dad said," I added. "Everyone prepare yourselves mentally and to take anything you think you'll need." Each of them nodded, then left without another word, it gave me confidence that they never questioned what it was we needed to do.

"You seem worried," commented Tigra coming over to me.

"Am I," I shrugged. "Never been to Anamothra before." I looked at her. "I promise I will not let a single Animalia touch a single hair on your body."

"I know you won't," she sighed. "Now go on, do your prepare everything thing." Tigra smiled.

I let out a little laugh, she knew me too well as my mind already began thinking about how we would travel, then when we arrived, wondering if we would have roam of the city, if we did then I would be able to send Dash and even Link to hunt down what was happening within the city.

I wouldn't know the extent of the darkness influence without seeing it first, how inflicted was Emperor Skyrus Was he far worse than Alton? Which was behind this Vali or Dumah as Dumah had not been seen for a few days, where was he?

I quickly wondered if my purification ability would be enough to protect Tigra or my friends, was there something else that could absorb the dark energy, diverting it from the Animalia.

"Tigra already has such an item." I heard Fang respond to my thoughts.

"Mind ready now are we," I responded to him. "What item?"

"She always wields the weapon you had made for her." I glanced over at Tigra who had wondered over to stand out on her balcony, at her side the crystal sword I had made for her. "Crystals are said to be a remanence of those who have passed from this world and hers shares the spirit of the winged tiger, a powerful sacred animal who rivalled the winged lions, masters of lightning and wiping away the darkness from anywhere they walked the earth." Listening to Fang's words made me feel better about the protection around Tigra.

"Perfect." I grinned. A new challenge I would face a head of me, this time I would make sure I did not fight alone, I had faith in the strength of my team, but deep down within I still held this fear of letting them down, unable to protect them like I had failed Ibiki and the others. I heard a snarl from Arata as he sensed me thinking about it.

I began walking around Tigra's room, packing everything she would need first, clothes were the main item, I picked out a few things I thought would be best for potential windy weather up in Anamothra. Tigra glanced back at me, not caring as I put plenty in the suitcase, dad was right babysitting, she never needed a slave or servant because I was it.

"Most important item." I picked up her crown, which she didn't wear very often, she hated the thing, only wearing when we went out on official business.

"Not that thing," she sighed.

"Sorry, your highness, you'll have to wear this during your entire stay within the Avem Empire." I went all formal.

"If I have to." Her tone of voice I knew she was not a fan of being sent to Anamothra as some hostage, but I needed to go there if darkness was beginning to encroach on their city.

"I know you don't like acting or being a princess, but within his domain you'll have to keep up appearances, things are already sketchy between Anamothra and Cathopia, don't want to make it worse."

"Fine." She glanced back at me. "You better also act your part better."

"Of course, your highness." I bowed "I only live to serve the crowned princess, of which I have pledged." Tigra burst out laughing. "What?"

"Nothing." She continued to laugh as I got back to my planning. I wanted to be ready for tomorrow.

Later on, I went to talk to Zack about the changing of night duty guarding Tigra, it would be again like when we went to Desvulp, two would take turns during the night to make sure everyone got enough sleep. He agreed, it would fall between Zack, Link and I as Dash was terrible at time keeping, something which had not improve since he became a Guardian.

My last visit was to the bakery to ask dad about how Alton was doing, he was fine, still needed quite a bit of rest for his core to heal, the longer Dumah was away the faster it would heal, darkness wouldn't be able to damage it but it would slow down the healing process, but dad reassured me he would not let Dumah any where near Alton again and was planning his own elite team specially for protecting Alton of which all would be members of our clan, so purification would always be close, he already had Alton's blessing and Daz's too, even had it down in a contract so when and if Dumah came back he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Dad quickly changed the subject back onto the mission ahead of me. "You'll want to be up early as the emperor will be sending four of his elite warriors to meet you at the borders of the Avem empire, so don't be late for the meet up in five days. They'll likely treat Tigra with respect but don't expect the same treatment, you are simply someone who serves nothing more and one warning, did not let your emotions for Tigra get in your way, act as a warrior should, do not show weakness of any kind."

"I understand." I nodded, taking in every piece of advice he was giving me. We weren't sure how long I was going to be there, but we would find the princess.

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