Chapter 207

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I was stunned by the pain on my face, creating a bandage from my sleeve to cover over the wound. Dash had come to assist me, but was now filled with panic, thinking we couldn't win.

I felt Mila's power as she numbed the pain for me, it was soothing, but it would take her some time to heal this wound.

I stood up. "This isn't over yet." I stumbled a little but held myself strong.

"He's coming," cried Dash.

"Fang!" It shouted out my name. "Time, I finished you off."

"Zack, Link restrain him," I ordered. "Dash you too."

"How?" asked Dash.

"Like before with your lightning but tighten it even more and up the voltage, some elemental residue might get through. Zack can use his daggers to create some sort of barrier, and Link, anything will do," I answered.

"Understood," responded Dash. "Will you be alright?"

"I'll be fine." I lifted my hand, feeling fur come underneath my fingers. "I have Raziel." I felt his warmth and knew it was him.

I heard Dash run off, catching their scents as the three of them came in contact with Scorlax.

"Master," I heard Raziel concerned.

"Mila heal," I said. "I need to help."

"Sorry master, eyes are very sensitive to heal, it will take time." I could sense Mila had wanted to give me better news.

"If only there was a different way to see," I mumbled frustrated. "Wait." I focused on Larana's wind flowing around the area, bending over, under and around them. I could make out images in my head with it.

Dash was running around Scorlax, then in between his legs, trying to knot him up. Zack was placing his daggers along the ground, releasing energy into the sand, creating a vortex, sinking three of his legs. Link attacked head on, changing his sword into a claymore in the instant of a second. The flames expanding, forming into a refined form, the fire more like a laser.

Link expertly raced through Scorlax's leg on the left side, slicing through each one as he passed. Scorlax's balance failed, toppling to one side, flailing about.

"Yes," I cheered.

"It is not over yet," snarled Raziel, nudging me. "Get on. I can keep you safe." I was reluctant but I climbed upon his back, wanting to help rather than being left on the side lines.

"We need to help," I said. I could feel Raziel felt the same way, moving forward, breaking into a run towards Scorlax.

"Then release my power," commanded Raziel. I lifted my hand, feeling the wind blowing through my fur. Placing my faith in Raziel as he got closer, the wind still showing me Scorlax's location clearly, still flailing about on the ground.

Raziel released a blaze of fire as hot as the heat used to melt the sand around me earlier, surely this would be hot enough to take out Scorlax. I could sense the others jump back as my fire completely enveloped Scorlax's huge body.

I let out a sigh. "Please say it is over." But just as those words left my lips I sensed movement within the blazing inferno, he was still alive.

"You think that would be enough to destroy me." The voice of the eternal dragon was laughing at me. "I am too powerful for you to defeat, now that I have weakened you."

I didn't know what to do. Could I ask him, he did say he liked checking up on his Warrior of Fangs.

"Fang, can you hear me." I reached out through my thoughts, hoping he would hear me, sense my intention to reach him or however the connection with him worked.

Warrior of Fang part 2Where stories live. Discover now