Chapter 203

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I awoke with Tigra still in my arms, this was nice. I wish I didn't have to let go. I kissed her head, as she stirred, opening her eyes, and gazing fondly back at me.

"Thank you," I said.

"I will always chase away your nightmares, you only need to ask," she smiled, bringing her face to mine. "I need my Guardian at his strongest."

I brought my hand to her cheek. "And I have to stay close to my princess." We kissed, pulling each other closer.

There was a knock at the door. Tigra went to pull away, but I held her for a second longer, taking in her scent and this moment, before releasing her, she dashed over to her side to get changed, while I went to answer the door.

"Guardian Fang." It was the elder.

"How can I help you Elder Audun?" I questioned.

"Is her highness up?" he asked.

I glanced over in her direction, where she was slipping her dress over her head, my sight lingered there for a few seconds before looking back at him and responding. "She isn't quite ready for visitors this morning."

"I see." He seemed disappointed.

"Oh Fang, let him in." Tigra came over, she was ready. "And go put your uniform on." She ordered. I bowed my head, then went over to the changing screen. "Come in Elder Audun." Tigra opened the door wide, and they both went to sit down. While I changed, I could only listen. "What can I do for you this morning?"

"I saw the work Fang carried out on the home on the edge of the city, he is a very talented warrior," began Elder Audun.

"Indeed, he is," agreed Tigra.

"I would appreciate if he could continue his work on the other homes," he requested.

"I would be honoured," I answered, coming over, where I used Raziel to heat up the pot of cold tea on the table, then poured into Tigra's cup and his. Then I took my position of standing behind her.

"You would," he smiled, drinking the tea. "That is splendid."

"I told you; I have come to help in any way possible during my few days of staying here, perhaps even more visits will be required in the future, but for this one, I would like to gain the trust of you and your people," said Tigra.

"Fantastic," he grinned.

"When will your king be returning?" I asked, as I had not seen him. I found it strange how the king of Desvulp would fail to appear during a visit from the heir to Cathopia's throne, even Hunter would find that quite odd.

"Do not worry, he will return long before you depart from our city," responded Elder Audun, getting to his feet. "I will humbly expect you to come to the building where we first conversed tomorrow afternoon."

"I will be there," she nodded.

"Alright," he bowed, quickly leaving the room, smiling as he closed the door behind him.

"I smell a rat," I snarled.

"Alex." Tigra was surprised by my remark. "Do you see darkness around him?"

"Not enough to be concern about," I admitted, looking back out of the window. "Not much of it anywhere considering the attacks they've been getting."

"Relax, would you," she remarked.

"Relax." I shook my head. "With you, my job is not to relax."

Tigra looked at me, realising I was suddenly on edge. "Alex, please."

Warrior of Fang part 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora