Chapter 233

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Dad and I kept a close eye on the crystal caves as they slowly recovered, Cathopia and other places went short on lightning crystal supplies for a while as the caves had almost been completely stripped, but from what Tigra told me, the energy of the crystals is created from powerful sleeping entities, which came from the dragon I had seen at the heart of the caves, powerful and ancient, perhaps one of few of the remaining sacred animals.

Thinking about the sacred animals I wondered if one day perhaps what was left of them, they could one day guide the world like they had once done before. Maybe even the fairies could venture out, no longer needing to hide out of fear of the returning darkness, well there certainly wouldn't be any newer talismans created, at least I hoped not, the process was horrifying, dreaded the day I saw it happen again, this time to Raziel and Arata. Dad had also seen it, had he felt the same as me when he did and from what I had heard about Zekon he had been tormented, dad would have seen that too.

Even after it being sometime since Lin had given birth to little Sebastian some of the members of my clan had remained within the city, saying they needed to gather supplies for other clan members fighting back some of the worst inflicted areas left over from previous battles through our history. I guessed from those words that darkness could linger on for years, even after their servants were defeated, I had thought about seeing if I could help them but being Tigra's Guardian and mate I didn't like leaving her for too long anymore, not if one day I wouldn't be here, I needed to build up more of my purification ability around her, that way not even the eternal dragon could taint her soul.

"What are you thinking about over there?" asked Tigra glancing over to me.

I had been sat at the window staring over Cathopia as she sat on the sofa looking over the exchange of materials and food agreement from Desvulp.

"Nothing really," I sighed.

"You've been a little quieter since you defeated Hashana." Tigra stood up coming over. "Are you alright?"

"I think so." I nodded. "Just a little off." I put on a smile. After the conflict with Hashana and her forced exposure of dark energy through me, my dreams had drifted away from the destruction of my unit, the death of my friends to more of my own defeat. A great hall, where I was struck down, falling back, I see a blood red moon. These dreams were still unclear, and I had no idea of what it really meant. I hoped it was not my own death I saw. "It's just Hashana had become so much more powerful in a short period of time, between her attempt at assassinating me to our fight at the caverns, if only I had back up, fighting alone is hard." I moved my thoughts onto my interaction with Hashana at the crystal caves as even that had me concerned.

"Then don't go alone next time," smiled Tigra. "Take more than just one for back up."

"The concentration of the dark mist in those caverns was heavy, I was surprised not more had fallen to it yet, and again if it hadn't been for dad showing up to help purify it with the other Fang's I wouldn't have been able to do it all by myself." I mentioned. "My clan must have been a formidable force when it was at full strength."

"They certainly were," commented Larana. "But even time can weaken the strongest light."

Raziel rubbed himself against me, nudging me then glared at me. "What?" I said, wondering what was up with him.

"You have an appointment to keep," he mentioned.

"An appointment..." I really thought about it. "Oh, right." I turned to face Tigra, only just remembering that I had Brendan book me a table at a very high-end fancy restaurant located somewhere within the forest of Cathopia on the outskirts towards Anamothra. Dad had recommended the place as it had been somewhere he often took mum when he started dating her, perfect he said for going out under certain Animalia's noses, not sure who he was trying to hide from but as soon as I got back I sent Brendan; fully booked but when they heard it was for Princess Tigra and me they had a space. "We need to get going." I went over to the double doors, leading her out onto the balcony.

"Alex?" Tigra gazed at me curious and almost alarm as if I was doing something wrong. "I have to finish." Arata came beside her, lowering himself to allow her to climb on.

"I almost forgot I set a surprise up just for you," I grinned, pushing all my previous thoughts away and focused on Tigra, after all I had neglected her for some time and she deserved time where it was just the two of us, enjoying ourselves, like we used to.

"Alright," she slowly nodded, climbing upon Arata's back. I jumped on Raziel's, and we were off out of her room.

I quickly sent a silent message on the wind to Link, informing him he would not be needed today and to tell Zack to take the night off; I would have sent it to him, but I did not want to disturb him sleeping.

"Where are you taking me?" asked Tigra.

"I told you that it was a surprise," I smiled, worried we wouldn't find the place in the middle of the forest, but dad had taken Raziel to the place so he would know where to go. Raziel had grumbled on his return how dad went on about how he found the place during a mission to Anamothra, invited mum where their relationship grew, but mum had loved him from the first moment they met. Unlike Raziel I found it nice to hear the stories about mum and dad, I might know them as now, but I had no idea of the tests and battles they both had to face against the darkness. I had a few pieces and dad struggled against the darkness just as much as I had, but neither of our tests had really ended, not until we won against Melchiah.

"Where are we going?" asked Tigra.

"You'll see," I smiled quite excited as Brendan had even booked two rooms there, so we'd spend the night after a relaxing meal. I remembered my instruction to Brendan, to tell them Tigra was not to be treated like a princess, but a regular customer.

With Raziel and Arata's speed it was only about thirty minutes before we arrived. The restaurant, hotel was hidden within the trees, the walls were made from glass which reflected the lights from the setting sun and the majesty of the trees surrounding it. Blended in almost perfectly.

There to the west I spotted the floating city of Anamothra, I'd always wondered how big the city was up there, but I'd had no reason to go.

Raziel and Arata adjusted their course and we headed into land. Tigra gazed at the place with wonder, I could see the growing excitement in her eyes, turning into sparkling gems.

"I've heard about this place." She beamed. Great, she knows about it. "I've always wanted to come." Good start. Dismounting from Raziel and Arata, I took Tigra by the arm. "Are we really dressed for this place?"

"We'll be fine," I chuckled at her worry. "Today, you are not a princess, so you won't be needing this." I took the crown from her head, glancing back at the lions. "Do a perimeter check, I don't want anything to ruin this and look after this." I threw over the crown to Raziel.

"Understood." They both nodded and took off, leaving me to spend my time with Tigra, if I needed them, they would come but today I doubted it.

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