Chapter 201

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As soon as nightfall came, we were off. The night air was colder in the forest, than in the desert, but was still quite warm. I could feel the sand beneath my feet, feeling as my feet sunk a little. I knew we would all have to be careful, we were not built for the desert, like the Zerda were.

I remained on guard, my body tense, I just couldn't relax after forcing that vision. I knew the danger which was causing the destruction here. Scorlax.

"I want everyone to be on guard," I said aloud, knowing I had to inform every one of the dangers here. "I had a vision. I saw Scorlax is here, he rode upon a giant scorpion."

"You can't get giant scorpions," commented Madi.

"It sounds impossible, but imbued with dark energy it can cause monstrous effects, which I have seen all too many times," I responded.

"Scorpions." Dash shivered.

"Is scorpion poison deadly?" wondered Link.

"Can be," answered Tigra. "But a strong water talisman should be able to cure it." She glanced at me. Did she know that those thoughts had crossed my mind too? "We'll be fine." She sighed. "Can't believe my Guardians are worried about scorpions, considering you went up against venomous Animalia before now."

I thought about it, remembering Sniper. "I'm worried about you guys." I glanced at them.

"And what about you poison is no fun," commented Dash.

"He has immunity remember," commented Zack.

"Immunity?" Link looked around.

"I am immune to all poison, except if it is strong stuff, then I might pass out for a few days," I mentioned. "A very strange genetic gift, I suppose."

"You Fang's have all the luck," said Dash.

"Don't blame me, take it up with the goddess," I responded.

The conversation trailed off after that, as we walked through the desert in silence. I could sense that everyone had become a little more tense since telling them about the scorpions, but Tigra was relaxed, no worries in her expression, she never seemed to worry about danger when she was with us, I kind of wished she would worry, even if just a little.

The journey across the desert was a quiet one, not much sign of life even in the darkness of the night. I guess not much could thrive out here. There was the occasional cactus, if you count that.

I noticed how quickly the temperature changed when the sun came up, especially at midday. We each took turns in keeping watch during the day. Zack and I did the first morning, which sounded strange because it was usually, accompany Tigra during the day and keep watch during the night.

"Air flow is cool in the tent," I said standing under a parasol, which did not give much protection from the heat.

"Good," said Zack. "We are not built for the conditions out here."

"Certainly not," I agreed, blowing Larana's cool wind around us.

"Much better," he sighed.

"Must be strange doing day duty," I grinned.

"Indeed," he nodded as I sat down in the chair beside him.

"I wonder what Desvulp is like," I said.

"A desert city, situated atop a natural water source, so capable of growing some of their own food source" mentioned Zack. "Apparently the water was drawn up by Fang during the times of darkness."

"Really." I was instantly interested, somewhat surprised he knew something about Fang I didn't.

"Just ask Mila," he commented.

"Mila." I touched the choker.

"The story is indeed true," answered Mila. "In many places he had me draw up water from below, where it had not been tainted by the eternal dragon."

"I see."

"Fang." Zack said my name to grab my attention. "Did you know the princess sneaks into your room every night."

"Excuse me." I gave him a confused look. "No."

"I can hear her using the secret door," he mentioned. Oh, crap he knew about the door.

"She comes into my room, while I'm sleeping." I thought about it, realising I hadn't had any nightmares since returning from Dagan, did she realise her presence calmed my mind. "I think I know why." Apart of me didn't really want to talk about it, but I suppose I better explain. "Since the attack on my unit, my friends. I've been having nightmares, seeing the same thing happen time after time, in a cycle I cannot prevent, but whenever Tigra is with me, my mind is calm, and the nightmares do not come. I think she's realised this."

"You two really have a close bond," he commented. If only he knew. "I won't ask any more about it."

"Thank you."

The day slowly became night. Tigra was the first up. "Morning." She joked.

"It's night time," said Zack, who glanced at me before standing up. "I will prepare the horses." And he headed round the other side of the tent, where it conveniently had a stable like area, these tents were simply magical.

"Tigra." I stood up, moving closer to her, listening for any movement in the tent, silence.

"What?" She gazed at me.

"Zack knows you've been coming into my room at night," I mentioned.

"What? But I've been as quiet as a mouse." She seemed panicked.

"I can even hear a mouse," I commented. "You've been soothing my mind while I sleep, you've been chasing away the nightmares, when did you realise?"

"Pretty early on," she admitted. "I saw what those nightmares did to you, I didn't want you to keep seeing their deaths, I couldn't stand to see you suffer."

"Tigra." I went to hug her. "You should have said something to me."

"You needed your sleep," she chuckled.

I whispered in her ear. "We're mates, we don't keep secrets from each other."

"No, I suppose we don't." She hugged me back. "Please don't make me stop helping you."

"I wouldn't do that. I just want to say thank you, you've always watched out for me," I responded. "If only the others weren't about."

"I know right." Tigra pulled away. "Remember, the secret thing goes for you too."

"I promise you; I will never hide anything from you," I said.

A little while later, and a yawning Dash came out of the tent, followed by Link and Madi. Our little group was ready to move out again. As we walked beside the cart, I gazed at Tigra with such admiration, she was strong, fearless, kind, and thoughtful. I would do everything in my power to protect her, Scorlax wherever he was would not lay a single claw on her.

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