Chapter 211

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I awoke alone Tigra was already up. I could hear moving about the room, using Larana I saw she was tiding up the mess left behind by Hashana. As predicted, she did not return, she most probably went back to Dumah with her tail between her legs.

I sat up, then moved to get off the bed. I didn't fancy spending another day lying about doing nothing, while the others did all the hard work. I was still able to move about. Mila had healed all my other wounds apart from my eyes. I brought my hand up to touch the bandages.

"It will take a little longer master," she reassured me. I hated not being able to see properly, but Larana's power would allow me to see most things.

"And what do you think you are doing?" asked Tigra alarmed. "Lay back down."

"No." I stretched. "I am not laying down anymore. I feel strong enough to move about, all that is left to heal is my eyes."

"You aren't ready." Tigra strode right over to me. "I need you at full strength."

"I protected you last night, didn't I?" I smiled, placing my hand on her cheek. "It doesn't matter what condition my body is in; I will always protect you." I gave her a gentle kiss. "Now take me to Elder Audun. I will use my clairvoyance to see what he has done with the king. Time is of the essence."

Tigra was silent for some time. "Alright." She agreed, yes. "We'll go as soon as you are ready."

"Um..." I went all embarrassed.

"What is it?" she demanded.

"Can you help me into my uniform?" I asked. "Sure, I can see, well sense to a degree, but clothing is another thing."

"You... want me to help you change," her voice pitch changed.

"Well yeah." The way she said it made me flustered. "I mean we have shared our bed before, right..." What the heck was I saying.

After an awkward start to the morning, changed in my uniform and walking beside I could only guess a very bashful Tigra, to be honest I was feeling quite hot under the collar. Sure, we were closer, but somethings were still quite embarrassing for us both.

"Are you sure, you are okay?" she asked.

"Fine." I waved my hand. "I can see the structure of every wall and navigate the building, no worr...... ouch." I had walked into one of the walls, then knocked over a giant vase, smashing all over the floor.

"I thought you could see," she commented.

"My power disrupted for a second," I coughed.

"What was that?" Zack, Link and Dash came out of their rooms to investigate the sound.

"Fang," cheered Dash.

"Are you really fit for duty?" remarked Zack.

"He insisted," said Tigra. "Now to Elder Audun." She held that determination in her voice, gave me goosebumps. "We will find the king today."

We left the building we were calling home during our stay and headed to a building opposite. I sensed energy from many Zerda guards, bowing at Tigra's presence.

"I am sorry, your highness, but he still refuses to speak a word of where our king is being held," informed one of the Zerda.

"We won't need him to say a word," she responded, having faith in my abilities to find out through my clairvoyance, but I wasn't even sure if this would work myself. I had never tried to do a reading from someone before, like mum when they were searching for Queen Daz in the past, but if she was capable of doing it then so was I, with Fangs guidance I hoped.

Warrior of Fang part 2Where stories live. Discover now