Chapter 228

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Hashana had fooled everyone around her including me, she'd been playing the weakling and hiding her true strength from everyone, perhaps her words before being revived on the worst of lightning power was a lie, how more pure could you get than the power of a dragon, a species rarely seen and perhaps one even governed over these caverns from what I saw of the shape of little Furina's birth mark.

Hashana had gone on the attack, the second she released her power, a grin of pure malice crossed her lips, she was the one enjoying this now, letting lose her true power, hiding it for so long, it must have been liberating for her, but had also caught me off guard.

I was stuck on the defensive with her strong attacks, never letting up for a second, another threat came from her wolf pack, sure Raziel and Arata had most occupied but two were still backing Hashana up, trying to come in with an attack of their own.

"Weak am I, think again!" shouted Hashana, perhaps she had even been sick of being looked down upon by the others, but she played the fool well, even they had no idea she wielded this much power and it confirmed that the condensed dark crystals weren't only used as a method to become a monstrous beast but to hide ones true power; was it hiding Dumah's too.

Her twin daggers glowed with dark power, clanging against my blades, I felt her dark power pressing heavily against my light. It was even thickening in the room. I heard coughing from little Furina she was struggling with the dark aura spreading in the room, if it felt like a pressure to me, it must have been suffocating for them.

I stepped back, left, right, defend. I needed a way out of this stalemate, trusting my instincts I continued to dodge her attacks, stepping closer to the edges of the room, keeping an eye on everything, sending out Larana's wind knowing exactly what I needed to do.

I sensed not far behind me was some lightning crystals, enough power would disable her long enough for me to attack. Guiding her, letting her think she had me cornered. Sensing I could go no further, I put up an extra fight, sending out fire as I saw an opening, blinding her for a moment, moving as she responded to attack.

Hashana's sword came into contact with the lightning crystal as planned, watching as the raw energy from it pulsed through her body, hearing the yelping of her wolf pack, confirmed my theory that the lot of them were all connected through the dark power that they shared.

I glanced back just to check on Raziel and Arata, they had Hashana's pack on the run, some pinned down with Arata's lightning ability, he had made a cage of sorts.

While Hashana was stunned, I twisted around, summoning Larana's power. "Air cutter." Sending out hundreds of wind blades towards her, quickly dispersing the remaining energy from my attack before it hit the cave walls, didn't want to cause any risk of the cavern collapsing.

"That was mean of you." Hashana's body covered in gashes from my attack and still radiating with lightning, she pulled her blade from the crystal. She turned around to face me. "I suppose it's about time that I stop playing around with you."

Hashana's whole body pulsated with dark energy, her wounds disappearing as if they had never been inflicted. The lightning around her body transferred to the blade of her daggers, she smirked. The darkness seemed to wrap around her body like a shroud until she disappeared altogether.

I glanced around the room, in search of her, I could no longer see, hear, nor smell her scent within the room, almost like she had been wiped from existence.

I felt a shock and a cut on my right arm, then on my left. I lifted up the twin lions hoping to defend myself from her next attack. A shock on the back of my leg, made me flinch, kneeling on my knee.

Warrior of Fang part 2Where stories live. Discover now