Chapter 205

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Scorlax's pet was in flames, letting out a sound that sounded more like a scream. The flames engulfed it and nothing much remained. I stood together with my team with two victories under our belts, his army gone and now the giant scorpion, he was next and would receive the same ruthlessness.

"Damn you, Fang!" he cursed. "You'll regret that."

"I doubt that." I continued to point Raziel at him. "You're next Scorlax." I wanted to end this quickly before he could use the concentrated crystal of darkness he had hung around his neck.

"Now then, let us see how you handle against my power." He stretched flexing his hands, then his claws, before drawing the four swords he wielded. His tail twitched, his body smoking with dark energy, as he breathed it in, seeming to be absorbing its lust, its power. "Humans could never handle such power."

"Humans?" Link was puzzled, never hearing of such a species. I had only heard and seen them through the shared vision from Larana and Mila, had Scorlax and the others been revived that many times, that they would remember humans from the times of darkness Fang had to face.

"I'll admit, you have been just as interesting as your ancestor, wielding his talismans, very curious," said Scorlax.

"I'll let you in on a little secret," I grinned. "I am his power reincarnated, given directly by the goddess herself."

"The goddess," he grumbled at her mentioning. "She still has that much power, which means if I destroy you here, then we will be one step closer to her destruction." He lowered his body, then swiped his swords, whipping up a sandstorm. I had heard rumours he had the ability to control the sands of the desert, we were in his playground now, but that would not stop us in our pursuit of victory.

I moved to the right as a stinging tail thrusted in my direction, so fast the wind bent around it. His shape became clearer, and I attacked, swinging Raziel and Arata in unison, hitting nothing but thin air. I blinked, the sand was affecting my vision.

"Be careful!" I called losing sight of my team. The fur on my body standing on end sensing danger all around me.

"What is with this sandstorm!" groaned Dash. "Whoa."

"Dash!" I heard Link, then the clang of swords.

"We're at such a disadvantage in this storm," I grumbled. I couldn't move as I didn't know where Scorlax was or my friends.

"Master, we are the wind." I heard Larana, only just remembering I was still in my fused armour. "The sand is simply controlled by the wind."

"Right." I nodded, closing my eye, sensing the winds blowing the sands into a frenzy. I lifted my arm, guided by my clairvoyance as Scorlax had come back to attack me this time. I defended his first blow, them lifted Arata to deflect his next, jumping back as he came in with his two other blades. I spread my wings wide, blowing the winds into a different direction, opening my eyes to see Scorlax standing there. "You hold power over wind, but nothing is as strong as Larana."

"I have not forgotten her power." Scorlax held his swords up, the sands separating around us, we were now at the heart of the storm. "The only one I am really after is you. I had hoped to use the princess to make you submit but destroying you in battle is even better."

"I think I'll be the one doing the destroying," I responded.

"We will both see won't we," he grinned, coming forward as he began his assault. I had heard that not many Feles could defeat him in battle, with four arms, he wielded his four swords with deadly accuracy and those unfortunate to be on his kill list, also had to contend with his tail, which acted as if it had a mind of its own, striking occasionally between strikes.

Warrior of Fang part 2Where stories live. Discover now