Chapter 235

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I stood in the throne room, having been summoned by Alton, dad stood proudly beside his friend, and strangely there was no sign of Dumah. I hadn't seen him since I had that little fight with him in Desvulp.

The throne room was crystal clear of any dark mist, dealing with each of Dumah's underlings had even begun to have a positive impact on the city, which made all those hard battles worth it.

"We've called you on a serious matter Alex." Alton started, but then yawned, was he tired?

"The empire of Anamothra has accused Cathopia of kidnapping their crown heir." Dad got straight to the point.

"Kidnapped?" I wanted verification.

"Apparently there have been signs that a Feles with brown fur took the crowned princess, Emperor Skyrus wants to start a war over this." Dad seemed concerned, but he was completely relaxed about what was happening.

"Why would we kidnap a princess, we already have one," I commented.

Alton smirked, wanting to laugh at my comment but coughed instead. "Listen Alex, to prevent a war between our two kingdoms, I have offered to..." He didn't want to say it.

"It will be dangerous, perhaps putting you and Tigra in danger, but we have no other choice," said dad.

"What?" I wanted to know already.

"As proof we did not kidnap their princess, they want Tigra to be within their custody until we find theirs." Alton grimaced at the thought. "How can that bird brain even think anyone from our city would touch their princess."

"Unfortunately, Emperor Skyrus has become paranoid due to being inflicted with dark energy," informed dad. "A clan member who was stationed their informed me about the increased mist there. I suspect there maybe dark crystals involved, if they have been planted within the floating rock the main city presides then everyone there could end up like those within the crystal caves."

"And you want me to deal with it," I said.

"In a way yes, but you won't be able to leave until the crowned princess is found," mentioned Alton, getting to his feet. "The darkness may have infected many, you and Tigra may even have targets set upon your back the moment you enter their walls, every diligence must be taken. I've managed to agree on the terms that all her Guardians will be presence during her time there." He snarled. "I would deal with this personally, but I cannot..." He stumbled.

Dad caught hold of him, the two of them gazing at one another in a moment of silence, I wondered if I should have said something but remained quiet, then dad dumped him back onto his throne.

"I tried to warn you, this is what you get for not listening to me," began dad, his full attention now on Alton.

"I was doing what I thought was best for the kingdom," responded Alton.

"You should have kicked that worm out the moment he appeared within the city," snapped dad.

"He is a Leo, not a worm get the species right." Alton snarled a little. "And I told you I had a plan."

"A really bad one," remarked dad. "All your plans always ended up with some sort of consequence."

"Not always," he snarled again.

They were arguing, this was something new, never seen either of them act like this towards one another, but I had not seen them together all that much lately, was this what they were really like, suppose they were best friends after all, each looking out for the other.

"Do I have to bring up that incident again," said dad.

"I would rather you didn't." They seemed to both raise their voices slightly, just for added affect. Alton began coughing again.

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