Chapter 218

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As expected of my dad he was up even earlier than me, but he didn't seem bothered in waking me. I rolled over realising that I was alone in the tent, beams of light gently coming from the open tent door.

Steadily I got up, heading outside, my nose twitching to the smell of breakfast. To be honest dads wild cooking was just as good as mum's. I would have almost said dad preferred it out here than at home in the bakery.

"Did you used to do this a lot when you were little?" I asked.

"Certainly did," he nodded. "Nothing like being outside, often I find the city too noisy." Too noisy, strange didn't he grow up in the city. "Never been a fan, but your mother always persuaded me to stay." He gazed up at the sky. "Anyway, eat up, we have to get going, before the storm hits."

"What storm?" I took the fish he'd had placed around the fire.

"Can't you smell it, the slight water droplets in the air, the wind direction changing," he said. "Oh, right not many brought up in the city can sense the changing weather."

"Weren't you brought up in the city?" I questioned, getting very curious to why we had really come out here.

We ate up in silence, then dad went to finish preparing what looked like gliders, wooden frame with blue and red cloth.

"We'll be using these to glide where we are going," he began. "You can use Larana but only enough to keep the glider at the same height as me."

"No flying," I said.

"Nope," he shook his head. "At first you'll need some speed to get away from the jagged points of the mountain, then following the gentle breeze I lay out to our destination over there, in those woods." He pointed in the direction we were going. "It was about time I visited that place again." Dad seemed to gaze in that direction fondly, was something special over there. "Ready."

"Yeah." I nodded.

It wasn't long before we were readying for take-off. Dad went first running with the glider above his head, then jumped from Jagged Mountain, with some speed using the wind from Zekon he pushed himself away from the points of the mountain.

Alright, my turn. I did the same running off with the glider, holding it like him, a bit nervous as I had never used a glider before, no one in the city even used them. I propelled myself using Larana safely away from Jagged Mountain, coming to glide beside dad.

"Nice control," he encouraged.

"Thanks," I smiled as his praise.

"Now, stay the same height as me," he instructed again. Dad seemed to appear he was just floating in the air, staying the same height, looked easy.

I controlled Larana's wind to sustain the height of the glider, but used to much and flew higher above dad. "Whoa!" I cried in surprise.

"Gliders are sensitive to the wind, less power more control," responded dad.

"Just a gentle breeze will do master," said Larana.

I adjusted the amount of energy I was and soon had it under control, gliding side by side with dad. Looking down at the sight of Cathopia as we flew over it. The wind carrying the sound of the activities of those during the morning hours. Visitors to the city were only just arriving, crossing over one of the four bridges.

Fishing boats docking, unloading their catch, some were even heading out. The calming waters around Cathopia reflecting the light from the rising sun, but it was not the sights of home which grabbed my attention, but the darkness.

I could see the darkness within the city, spread throughout the streets like a morning mist, all of it spreading out from the castle, where Dumah and what remained of his unit still resided in, mind I had seen less of Hashana, Valli and Seth, most probably causing trouble elsewhere.

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